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10 tips from Mahatma Gandhi

Life Principles from the legendary spiritual leader of India who want to learn and repeat, like a mantra.

1. Change yourself

«If you want to change the world - he become this change».
2. Acquire self-control

«Without my permission no one can hurt me». Maybe it will not happen immediately, or this will not happen all the time, and the habit of thinking in the old way will be felt.
But gradually you realize that no one from the outside is not really able to control your feelings and be able to use this way of thinking in everyday life.

3. Forgive and forget

«weak never forgive. Forgiveness - a sign of the strong ». « The principle of "an eye for an eye" can make the whole world blind ».
If you do not forgive, you let the past and another person to control your feelings. Simple, you will free yourself from these shackles, and then be able to focus on something else.

4. Failing to act, you may come to nothing

«Gramm own experience is worth more than a ton of other people's instructions». You can begin to seek solace in the arguments, as referred to Gandhi. Or endlessly read and learn. And you will feel that you are moving forward. But at the same time you will not have any real results, or they will be insignificant.

So, in order to really achieve what you want, and truly understand themselves and their world, you need the practice. Books can give you the knowledge but not the skills. You need to act and implement the knowledge in the results.

5. Live in the present

«I do not want to foresee the future. I care about now. God has not given me the opportunity to manage what will be ».
Why is that? When you live in the present, you are not worried what will happen, because you can not manage it anyway. And the reluctance to move to action, which arises from the fear of future consequences, or memories of past failures, loses its power. It becomes easier to operate, to focus on the present moment, and to show their best side.

6. We are just people

« em> I declare that I - an ordinary man, who tend to err as any mortal man. However, I have enough humility to admit their mistakes and go back down ». « This is not very wise - to be sure of your own wisdom. It must be remembered that the strongest might show weakness, but a wise man can make a mistake ».
It is important to remember that we are all people and each of us can make mistakes. The use of unreasonable standards for people in the future will only lead to the emergence of a greater number of completely unnecessary conflicts in your world and negativity within you.

7. Be persistent

«At first you do not notice, and then laugh at you, then you are fighting, and then you win».
Find out what you really love to do. This will allow you to find the internal motivation to continue again and again to walk on. One of the reasons why Gandhi so successfully applied his method of non-violent resistance, is that he and his supporters were incredibly persistent. They just did not know the word "surrender».

Cases where the success or victory come as quickly as you would like it very rare. One of the reasons why people do not achieve what they want is that they just give up too early. Typically, to achieve their objectives requires much more time than they expected. Part of such an erroneous misconception stems from the world around us - a world full of magic pills of any problems where you are constantly in the advertising promise that you can dramatically lose weight or to make a fortune in just 30 days.

Finally, another useful advice on how not to lose perseverance - do not lose your sense of humor. This makes it easier to relate to life in the most difficult times.

8. Look for the good in people and help them

«I expect only good in people. I myself am not without sin, and therefore I do not consider myself entitled to focus on the mistakes of others ». « The greatness of a man is particularly evident by how it contributes to the welfare of neighbors ». « I understand that once the ability to lead the muscles were needed, but now it means the ability to get along with people ».
9. Be harmonious, sincere and stay a

«Happiness - is when what you think, say and do, in harmony».
If you are really sincere, then people try to really hear what you tell them. After all, in your speech is not hypocrisy, contradictions or any hypocrisy.

But if your actions do not match what you say, then you will begin to lose faith in what you can achieve your goal, as well as other people's faith in you. Do not be fooled.

10. Continue to grow and develop

«Continuous development - this is the law of life. And the man who always tries to stick firmly established views for the sake of consistency, exhausts himself in the wrong position ».
Of course, at the same time you can look illogical or not understood at times, what you are doing. You may have problems with the achievement of harmony and sincere communication. But if you do not develop, then, according to Gandhi, put yourself in a losing position that you will stand up for their old views and clinging to them, to look permanent, until you realize that there is something wrong. Much more useful and happy is a choice path of growth and development.

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