25 spiny quotes by Victor Pelevin

Hermit, a drug addict, crazy philosopher - as soon not call writer Victor Pelevin's contemporaries, but continued and continue to read out his phantasmagoric novels. Just Pelevin - the best impersonator of modernity itself. Parodies it, of course, not all have to taste, but it is not for all writes. And while dissatisfied arguing, a mysterious writer simply breaks his silent Zen laugh.
Website , a long-time admirer of the writer's work, collected 25 famous quotes from his works and interviews. Beware, they are prickly.
One does not need three pines, get lost - his only two nouns. The final truth Russian man always report obscenities. Nowadays, people know that they think on television. In love, completely missing the meaning. But it gave meaning to everything else. It was enough to calmly think about three seconds to understand everything. But where to take them, the three seconds calm? Who in life they have? Even when people realize that they are just the battery array, the only thing they can do with this insight, it is to sell to themselves in the form of a blockbuster ... I heard the sound of one hand clapping? Many times in my childhood, when my mother slapped me on the ass. I think so, and became a Buddhist. I traveled a lot before and at some point realized that everywhere I went, I actually only move one space, and this space - I myself. So, why not have a word for 99, 99% of people do not exist at all. What are all the great Russian classics? Absolute unbearable Russian life in all its aspects. That's all. Nothing more is not there. And the world hawala. And he asks for more.

In fact, the word "recover" means to "come to the other," because these other birth you explain what efforts you have done over themselves to take them pleasing shape. You, Russian, generally funny. Because all take into the account. And on your account should be taken only money, the rest - spam. Smiley - a visual deodorant. It is usually put, when the user think that from it smells bad. And he wants guaranteed to smell good. Do you want to be happy in love - never not think about it. But people still have sex - though in recent years, mainly through the rubber bag that does not violate their loneliness. What appears to be another man's paradise is another man is simply unhealthy lifestyles. A man accustomed to seeing the devil everywhere except in the mirror and TV. The dog looks at the stick, and a lion on him who threw it. By the way, when you understand that, it becomes much easier to read our press. Life is very strange arranged. To get out of the well, it is necessary to fall into it. not always advertised items, and simple human happiness. Always happy people show the same, but in different cases, this happiness is caused by different acquisitions. Therefore, a person goes to the store not for things, but for this happiness, and he was not selling. Anti-Russian conspiracy, certainly there - the only problem is that it involves the entire adult population of Russia. Since my childhood I believed that the ratio of men to women lack the confidence and giddy simplicity that exists between friends who have decided to take along his chest. If you were in the dark and you can see even the faintest ray of light, you have to go to him, rather than to reason, it makes sense to do it or not. Someone else is very easy to tell how to live and what to do. I explained everything to anyone. And even would show how to fly and how the lights. But if the same thing should be done yourself, you sit on the ground or flying in the opposite direction. I tried to explain what the Void. Just listen carefully. So. ( Silent em>). That's just what you have seen it. Here's what she has.
Illustration on preview: Karen Davison
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