20 strong quotes Victor Tsoi
His voice and his songs - is the voice and thoughts of a generation. They sang at every corner with a guitar as his own experience. His words sound now and find a response in the hearts of those who are not yet born when they were written.
Website has collected 20 sincere and honest thoughts of the beloved singer. Always remember.
People can not think alike, but to understand each other's need. Then, they are people. Remember, there is no worse prison than my head ... My soul - my songs. And I live in the hope of a better time. I do not regret anything. I always answer for their actions. For me it is important to do, so I was interested to live. The rest does not interest me. Everyone says that we are together! All told, but not many people know in what.
I do not like when I lie, but the truth I'm too tired. Music - is something for which I am ready to sacrifice almost everything. The death is to live, and love is worth waiting for. We are waiting for tomorrow,
Each day waiting for tomorrow ... I think that a man lives on the planet, and not in the state.
Try to escape from the rain, if it is inside. Everyone should do something that would distinguish it from the others. All roads lead me to you,
Roads all know better than I,
And I will not look for other roads. Everyone has the right to speak, and everyone has the right to listen or not to listen. Outside, rain, but I do not believe in it.
You must be strong, otherwise why would you be. I do not like people who consider themselves prophets, and think that it is able to teach others how to live. I am alone, but that does not mean that I'm lonely. If there is a step - should be next,
If there is darkness - it must be light. I would argue that good always triumphs over evil, and more patience samurai sword. Photos on the preview: imhomir
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