How do we do AdMe.ru

Welcome to the site that was created by people who sincerely passionate about the world of work. It makes us all work better, kinder and more interesting.
We invite you, dear readers, to visit us - we want to tell you about the editorial board and finally show itself. Welcome!

So you know - Site of inspiration, kindness, creativity. We appreciate the freedom, positive and, of course, love. Without it, no way.
- An unexpected fact - the main and only office Website is located in Kazan. It is a city of stunning beauty far, far beyond the MKAD, the capital of Tatarstan, and just our house, which we love very much.
- When we created the site 11 years ago, did not exist or Facebook, or YouTube. Although, wait a minute, it seems, there is nothing to be proud.
- In the editorial work of 13 people, and among them, only one journalist, and he is - the editor in chief. But there are travelers, capoeiristas, Buddhists, photographers, architects, polyglots and candidates of sciences. Somehow, inexplicably, these strange people manage to co-exist peacefully, almost never fight keyboards and produce about 10-15 articles a day.

The best part of the editor Website - this, of course, bears. And that each of us writes only about what he likes. If the topic is not hooked and excited, we will not talk about it. The worst part of the editor Website - this, of course, bears. Because we've seen all of them, and sometimes really want to write about the mysteries of ancient manuscripts and works of art. But seals still encouraging more people.

90% wording Website - perfectionists, and the remaining 10% - incurable perfectionists. And yet we are living people, so sometimes make mistakes. When they show up, we are sad, experience, reread Rosenthal and sadness seized chocolate. If you read on the internet steep post with great pictures, it is likely that he was taken from us. And every time you repost outsider PUBLIC our articles, the world mourns one editor Website

Themselves we ironically call "home of high culture of life." And we have our own slang, which is unlikely to be understood by "without translation" a person outside the editorial office. Here are some of our internal words: ponadelat shit - a situation where the grand plans failed and the article turned out not as interesting as we would like.
Stop making of AdMe Zoo - point of satiety, when it is not necessary to write articles about seals, dogs, pandas and all the other representatives of the fauna.
Extra essentially - part of the material that can be safely thrown out of his post, without losing a drop of sense.
We will carefully read all the reviews of this and even more proud to be what we do. All your gratitude we collect and reread in those moments when we become sad (or when we feel that again, "shit ponadelali»).

When we write articles about the heroic deeds or infinite goodness, you yourself can easily burst into tears in front of a computer. And if you find something really fun, work in all departments stopped because all come running to see on what you can laugh. We are 33 times rewrote this story, because we do not care what the material you will see in the end. Editor Website - a diagnosis, clinical intolerance unnecessary entities and constant dissatisfaction. Just for all of us - not just cookies, seals and funny pictures, but also a way to bring his planet in order. We have the answer to the question "What do you You are doing? ". Because we are afraid it is important to at least be useful to someone. If we fixed the mood to bad to good, they say something interesting, inspired by someone on the achievements, so we do not work for nothing.
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