23 evidence that the puppies come harder than everyone thinks
Everyone loves a little puppy. But that's actually sometimes they have to is not easy. Website know that their life is not as carefree as it may seem. Puppies still have much to learn. For example:
"Lord, how to get something until you woke up?"
You have to be very brave, when you go to veterinaru
You can not just pick up and chew everything hochetsya
Older brothers often vrednymi
Sometimes we have to put up with the ridiculous fotosessiyami
You do not know what to expect from sebya
Or from drugih
You've got to look cute, but it is not always possible to cope with pricheskoy
Taking up the stairs like climbing a mountain
You all the time around ogranichivayut
You have not yet learned to control his body
As well as keeping a balance
You do not know what to expect from kotov
To learn how to play, you need a lot praktiki
No one takes your threats seriously
But you, by the way, the dog!
You are so small that adults sometimes do not notice you
Even some toys are too big, so you can play with nimi
You're stuck everywhere!
You still have not figured out what the pool
And zerkalo
You grow so fast that one already does not fit into your favorite polochku
Going shopping utomitelno
And the food - it is also utomitelno
And indeed all the tedious
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"Lord, how to get something until you woke up?"
You have to be very brave, when you go to veterinaru
You can not just pick up and chew everything hochetsya
Older brothers often vrednymi
Sometimes we have to put up with the ridiculous fotosessiyami
You do not know what to expect from sebya
Or from drugih
You've got to look cute, but it is not always possible to cope with pricheskoy
Taking up the stairs like climbing a mountain
You all the time around ogranichivayut
You have not yet learned to control his body
As well as keeping a balance
You do not know what to expect from kotov
To learn how to play, you need a lot praktiki
No one takes your threats seriously
But you, by the way, the dog!
You are so small that adults sometimes do not notice you
Even some toys are too big, so you can play with nimi
You're stuck everywhere!
You still have not figured out what the pool
And zerkalo
You grow so fast that one already does not fit into your favorite polochku
Going shopping utomitelno
And the food - it is also utomitelno
And indeed all the tedious
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