Letter Marina Tsvetaeva children

winter of 1937-38 magazine for children of Russian immigrants asked famous poet Marina Tsvetaeva to write a note in the first issue. The first issue was never released, but "Open Letter to Children" preserved for us.
It is designed for children in the hope that it will be read and the parents. Psychologies Magazine and Website invite you to read these lines, born in very difficult years. The text is published with minor cuts:
- Dear children!
Never throw the bread, and to see on the street, under the feet - lift and put on near the fence, because there is not only the desert, where die without water, but also the slums where die without bread. Perhaps this bread will notice the hungry, and he will be less ashamed to take it this way than from the ground.
Never be afraid of the ridiculous, and if you see a man in a ridiculous situation:
1) try to remove it from him; if not possible - 2) jump into it to the person in the water - two of awkward situation is divided in half by half for each; or at worst - not vidte funny funny!
Never say that because everyone is doing: everything is always bad things, just so willing to link to them. Well, if you say, "So no one does" (not worn, not thinking, and so on) - replied: "And I - who!»
Do not refer to the "unfashionable" but only to "ignoble».
Not too mad at their parents remember that they are you, and you will use them.
In addition, they are to you - parents, for themselves - I em>. Do not exhaust their - their parenting.
Do not hesitate to give up the eldest in the tram. Shame on you - not to yield!
Does not distinguish itself from the other - in the material. Others - that too you, you are the same.
Do not shout victory over the enemy. Enough - consciousness. After the victory - Reach out.
Does not respond when others ironically on the close (even if it is about your favorite animal!); others leave - his will.
Author: Victoria Chateau
See also Letter remaining
You no one should
Letter grandson of Umberto Eco
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-pisateli/pismo-umberto-eko-svoemu-vnuku-618105/
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