A touching story in memory of the devoted friend

I Went to our clinic with a male German shepherd longhair named Weiss. Unearthly beauty dog of exceptional intelligence. The dog was trained as a military vehicle, implicitly, a great defender of the host and is very gentle and affectionate dog. To say that we all loved Vasya - is to say nothing. We adored him. The owner was careful of his health and, in general, we have seen it often enough. That ear hurts, the eyes, cut nails, put a vaccination. Or just come for a visit for snacks.
And here is an interesting habit he had when he put a shot or do unpleasant procedures, he carefully took his teeth leg doctor or master and zazhmurivalsya - tolerated. But 14-year life Weiss was diagnosed with cancer. Almost 2 years all of our staff and the owner of Wasi every day struggled with nastignuvshim disease, and every day he took the leg in his mouth, the sleeves, the bottom part of the shirt and still zazhmurivalsya. But cancer have cancer ... Sooner or later he gets the upper hand and wins.
6:00 bell.
- Bob does not get up and howling, rolling his eyes ...
I hear it howling in the tube. I send a colleague to their home. Droppers, pain, blood.
The colleague returned pale and in tears. We give tests in the laboratory. by cytochrome. After 2 hours, we get the result ... Basil is very long.
18:00 another call and a long conversation with the owner.
- I will not be able to watch him suffer, howling in pain. Ukolov enough for an hour, and he slept, but he continued to howl. I'll bring it to you to put to sleep ...
I told the owner that the waiting for them, hang up and start crying, too naparnitsa roars. Comes the owner and his wife, Weiss will wear on their hands, I can not stand on the kind of once vast, powerful, handsome, which turned into a skeleton. The hosts did not ask for permission to be present at euthanasia and go into the street, waiting for our invitation. All authorities denied Wasi, only a strong dog's heart was still hard to pump blood through the body. Put intravenous anesthesia, and he falls asleep, ceasing to howl, and the cramp goes away. Another dose of anesthesia, and heart meekly surrendered. Weiss sighs heavily, and this becomes the last gasp.
- All ... - I say to his partner. Both crying ... wiped snot and tears again. I'm going to call the owner and see how strict a man who went through a long life of 15 years side by side with a friend who was fighting for every minute of his life sitting on the porch and crying loudly. I say that Basil was not hurt, he just fell asleep and other condolences to - and through her tears and snot. The owner grateful that we were close to Vasya in this difficult moment. He cursed himself for not being able to be with him to the end and look at his death. Causing loss of Weiss, wrapped in a blanket and leaves.
It takes several weeks. There comes a young couple with a 2-month-old German shepherd puppy to the vaccine. The little boy very frightened. I went to hold him and soothe, while a colleague is stabbing, and then the puppy grabs me by the arm and teeth strong zazhmurivaetsya not even squeak in the shot. I start to cry ...
- Hi, Vaska ... I missed ...
© Angry veterinarian
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