As a child, he made a promise to a girl with Down syndrome. And after 7 years I kept it!

Ben Moser and Mary Lapkovits been friends since elementary school. Between them there was always a special bond.
Mary suffers from Down's syndrome, but it had no impact on their Ben druzhbu.

"Many of the same age, Mary is often shunned her and because of Down syndrome believed it strange. But not Ben, "- says Tom Lapkovits, brother of Mary.
Ben and Mary went to the same elementary shkole.

Ben was always very energetic child. He always took care of Mary and tried to involve her in any school activity. When he saw that she was bored, then immediately he took it with him to play football. She is very fond of.
When they were in the 4th grade, Ben promised her that it would lead to vypusknoy.

Soon, however, Mary moved to another school, and Ben went on to play football. But they met again a miracle when their school teams participated in one championship.
And Ben, remembering his old promise, Mary decided to make syurpriz.

And he brought it to vypusknoy.

Mary was truly happy in this den.

And the rest of the evening, Ben stared at the girl and looked after ney.

"Ben regained my faith in humanity," - said the brother Meri.

Mom tells Ben that always taught their children to "think first about others, to love with all my heart to the last stand for what they believe in." Today, it can truly be proud of his son.
Photo source: Lisa Moser
via buzzfeed
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15 evidence that good transcends the circumstances
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