23 Piercing peace of movies that will make you shed a tear
To find and watch a movie with high quality shot unsurpassed true story and the actors play not an easy task and if you did manage to find a real gem among the hundreds of low-quality films it can be considered a real success. In addition there are a number of low-grade films of excellent quality films ranked by the audience, which is not ashamed to recommend to friends and acquaintances. Some of these masterpieces of cinema are 23 mental movie, penetrating to the heart, and when you view which will not be shameful to let a tear.
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
The love story of a saleswoman umbrellas Genevieve and Guy mechanic, which separates the war, in the time honored "Palme d'Or" at the Cannes Film Festival. With tears in his eyes the picture looks today, and matchless music composer Michel Legrand was one of the mascots of lovers.
Director Steven Spielberg made the whole world believe that an alien body that looks like a turtle without a shell, and at the same time on the pug-faced and Albert Einstein, you can make friends. And even save him from the cruelty of people.
Sophie's Choice
History of women from Poland, which lost in the Nazi camp of her husband and children, and trying to find the strength to continue to live in well-fed and prosperous postwar America, is impressive from the first frame. Actress Meryl Streep believe unconditionally and irrevocably, so the "Oscar" for the main role in this film earned it honestly.
Dead Poets Society
John Keating, in a brilliant performance of Robin Williams - prim black sheep among the mass of teachers. He behaves eccentrically and completely neglects the training program. Keating dedicates his disciples the mystery of "Dead Poets Society", which turns all their lives. After watching and you will become a different person.
The story of Dr. Malcolm Sayer (Robin Williams), a shy doctor and scientist, and his patient Leonard (Robert De Niro) - a real journey into the depths of the human soul, which makes for a fresh look at the world and appreciate the simple pleasures of life.
My life
Successful businessman Bob Jones (Michael Keaton) finds out that he must die of cancer before they even forty years. But he remained the only hope - to have time to shoot on video story about himself, about his family and give advice to the screen his future child. Really touching story about what the most important things in the world - it does not things.
Voshitelnom acting duo of Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington showed that it is possible to be terminally ill, but not a desperate man. The protagonists do not look like a black and white - they are separated by skin color, social status, sexual orientation, a deadly disease. But every law and is ready to fight against any injustice.
Schindler's List
One person can do a lot, and even more. This historical drama directed by Steven Spielberg about a German businessman and Nazi Party member Oskar Schindler, who saved more than a thousand Polish Jews from death during the Holocaust, the proof of this. For this, and I received 7 Oscars.
Green Mile
Cult mystical drama based on the novel by Stephen King about the unusual prisoner John Coffey, who was sentenced to death at the time were impressed and made to believe in miracles audiences and critics. From runaway success - the picture has 4 nominations for "Oscar" award 3 "Saturn" and another 10 awards and 23 nominations.
Dancer in the Dark
This film - a tragic story slepnuschey single mother who selflessly work hard for the sake of his son. "Ray of light in the darkness" - that could be described the main character. The picture opened worldwide a brilliant acting talent of the singer Bjork, who also wrote all the music for the film.
A touching love story, read an elderly man from an old notebook woman in a nursing home, is left to live only on the screen. It penetrates into our lives, leave aftertaste, does not sleep, memory and disturbing, that you already own, like the main characters fall in love without reserve.
Writer-loser John. Matthew Barry does not obey the laws of the conservative London and befriends a lonely widow, and the adoptive father of her four young sons. New family gives inspiration, and so is born a wonderful tale about children who do not want to grow up ...
Hotel "Rwanda"
The film's protagonist named Paul - Managing prestigious hotel in the capital of Rwanda. During the ethnic cleansing, the government arranged, hiding in his hotel a few hundred people. Paul is doing everything in his power to save them. He does not shun any bribery or blackmail; he threatens, begs, flatters ... and save us from the death of 1268 people.
Brokeback Mountain
Against the backdrop of the picturesque open spaces of Wyoming and a great music composer Gustavo Santaolalla unfolding story of the complex relationship between two young people - assistant rancher and cowboy rodeo. You can have different attitudes to the subject raised in the film, but not to the picture - it has become a classic of world cinema.
Briony and Cecelia - sister. One has an excellent imagination and writes plays, and the other - fell in love with the son of servants. But their world is falling apart because of the tragic and absurd coincidence. And as luck would knock on the door WWII. One of the few pictures of the importance and power of human forgiveness.
P.S. I love you
He and she made for each other, the two halves of the same whole, which lived in perfect harmony for a long and happy life could easily die in one day. But the destiny disposes otherwise, and it soon became a widow. But even after the death of the husband leaves his beloved wife: advance he left her seven letters, which should help it survive the loss. Each ends with a postscript, "I love you».
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
It's a story that takes place during the Second World War, seen through the eyes of an innocent and unsuspecting of Bruno, the eight-year son of the commandant of the concentration camp. His forbidden friendship with a Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence, ultimately, leads to the most startling and unexpected consequences.
The film - a poignant true story in which a university professor Parker Wilson found at the train station a lost puppy. And then I struck up their friendship and affection, which lasted for many years and even survived death.
Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams), "bathed" in his love, but after a while they are fed up with this feeling. Inexplicably, it was transformed and became a burden. But more importantly - whether the two will be able to keep the human family and to revive those fragile relationship of love and passion, which they were.
Rain Man
Charlie, gruff and selfish young rake, there is a problem - his father left the lion's share of the inheritance of his autistic brother Raymond patient. To reclaim a part of wealth, Charlie abducts his older brother and keep him hostage. But the fact that it was conceived from selfishness turns into a magical odyssey of friendship and self-awareness that separates the border of a separate world of Raymond, and Charlie lets you escape from the shackles of his once-insensitive soul.
Mask (1985)
Rocky Dennis - sixteen year old boy suffering from a rare bone disease that turned his face into a mask, something like a lion, and twice the usual faces. On top of that the disease is incurable. But Rocky of that rare breed of people who put on life in any position. Rocky intelligent, endowed with good, big heart, he is not angry at the world, which at first glance, it expects to ridicule or disgust. It is perfectly easy to learn and to seek friendship and respect classmates. He lives with his mother - hippie rocker Grow, beautiful, otvyaznoy, loving, and other members of his family - a fellow rockers gang of motorcyclists, which stands a charming, handsome mustachioed Sam Elliott, possibly his father.
What Dreams May Come
After the death of Chris Nielsen in a car accident, he, finding immortality, trying to stay close to his beautiful, but the death his wife Annie. With the help of a friendly spirit that was set for him as a conductor, he begins to get used to his new existence in an environment that otherwise can not be called as the paradise. But when his distraught wife commits suicide, her curse and forever banished to hell. Chris struggles to find his beloved, to always be with her, but nobody has ever been able to save from the terrible sinful soul, but deserved retribution. With the help of his heavenly friends, Chris is sent to the most dangerous and painful journey of his life, more precisely, in the life after death.
White Bim Black Ear
A touching lyrical film story about the fate of the dog, losing beloved master, the attitude of people to the "smaller brothers", which shines as an X-ray of the soul, revealing in some petty meanness and baseness, and in others - generosity, compassion, and the ability to love ...
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

The love story of a saleswoman umbrellas Genevieve and Guy mechanic, which separates the war, in the time honored "Palme d'Or" at the Cannes Film Festival. With tears in his eyes the picture looks today, and matchless music composer Michel Legrand was one of the mascots of lovers.

Director Steven Spielberg made the whole world believe that an alien body that looks like a turtle without a shell, and at the same time on the pug-faced and Albert Einstein, you can make friends. And even save him from the cruelty of people.
Sophie's Choice

History of women from Poland, which lost in the Nazi camp of her husband and children, and trying to find the strength to continue to live in well-fed and prosperous postwar America, is impressive from the first frame. Actress Meryl Streep believe unconditionally and irrevocably, so the "Oscar" for the main role in this film earned it honestly.
Dead Poets Society

John Keating, in a brilliant performance of Robin Williams - prim black sheep among the mass of teachers. He behaves eccentrically and completely neglects the training program. Keating dedicates his disciples the mystery of "Dead Poets Society", which turns all their lives. After watching and you will become a different person.

The story of Dr. Malcolm Sayer (Robin Williams), a shy doctor and scientist, and his patient Leonard (Robert De Niro) - a real journey into the depths of the human soul, which makes for a fresh look at the world and appreciate the simple pleasures of life.
My life
Successful businessman Bob Jones (Michael Keaton) finds out that he must die of cancer before they even forty years. But he remained the only hope - to have time to shoot on video story about himself, about his family and give advice to the screen his future child. Really touching story about what the most important things in the world - it does not things.

Voshitelnom acting duo of Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington showed that it is possible to be terminally ill, but not a desperate man. The protagonists do not look like a black and white - they are separated by skin color, social status, sexual orientation, a deadly disease. But every law and is ready to fight against any injustice.
Schindler's List
One person can do a lot, and even more. This historical drama directed by Steven Spielberg about a German businessman and Nazi Party member Oskar Schindler, who saved more than a thousand Polish Jews from death during the Holocaust, the proof of this. For this, and I received 7 Oscars.
Green Mile

Cult mystical drama based on the novel by Stephen King about the unusual prisoner John Coffey, who was sentenced to death at the time were impressed and made to believe in miracles audiences and critics. From runaway success - the picture has 4 nominations for "Oscar" award 3 "Saturn" and another 10 awards and 23 nominations.
Dancer in the Dark

This film - a tragic story slepnuschey single mother who selflessly work hard for the sake of his son. "Ray of light in the darkness" - that could be described the main character. The picture opened worldwide a brilliant acting talent of the singer Bjork, who also wrote all the music for the film.
A touching love story, read an elderly man from an old notebook woman in a nursing home, is left to live only on the screen. It penetrates into our lives, leave aftertaste, does not sleep, memory and disturbing, that you already own, like the main characters fall in love without reserve.

Writer-loser John. Matthew Barry does not obey the laws of the conservative London and befriends a lonely widow, and the adoptive father of her four young sons. New family gives inspiration, and so is born a wonderful tale about children who do not want to grow up ...
Hotel "Rwanda"

The film's protagonist named Paul - Managing prestigious hotel in the capital of Rwanda. During the ethnic cleansing, the government arranged, hiding in his hotel a few hundred people. Paul is doing everything in his power to save them. He does not shun any bribery or blackmail; he threatens, begs, flatters ... and save us from the death of 1268 people.
Brokeback Mountain

Against the backdrop of the picturesque open spaces of Wyoming and a great music composer Gustavo Santaolalla unfolding story of the complex relationship between two young people - assistant rancher and cowboy rodeo. You can have different attitudes to the subject raised in the film, but not to the picture - it has become a classic of world cinema.
Briony and Cecelia - sister. One has an excellent imagination and writes plays, and the other - fell in love with the son of servants. But their world is falling apart because of the tragic and absurd coincidence. And as luck would knock on the door WWII. One of the few pictures of the importance and power of human forgiveness.
P.S. I love you

He and she made for each other, the two halves of the same whole, which lived in perfect harmony for a long and happy life could easily die in one day. But the destiny disposes otherwise, and it soon became a widow. But even after the death of the husband leaves his beloved wife: advance he left her seven letters, which should help it survive the loss. Each ends with a postscript, "I love you».
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

It's a story that takes place during the Second World War, seen through the eyes of an innocent and unsuspecting of Bruno, the eight-year son of the commandant of the concentration camp. His forbidden friendship with a Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence, ultimately, leads to the most startling and unexpected consequences.

The film - a poignant true story in which a university professor Parker Wilson found at the train station a lost puppy. And then I struck up their friendship and affection, which lasted for many years and even survived death.

Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams), "bathed" in his love, but after a while they are fed up with this feeling. Inexplicably, it was transformed and became a burden. But more importantly - whether the two will be able to keep the human family and to revive those fragile relationship of love and passion, which they were.
Rain Man

Charlie, gruff and selfish young rake, there is a problem - his father left the lion's share of the inheritance of his autistic brother Raymond patient. To reclaim a part of wealth, Charlie abducts his older brother and keep him hostage. But the fact that it was conceived from selfishness turns into a magical odyssey of friendship and self-awareness that separates the border of a separate world of Raymond, and Charlie lets you escape from the shackles of his once-insensitive soul.
Mask (1985)

Rocky Dennis - sixteen year old boy suffering from a rare bone disease that turned his face into a mask, something like a lion, and twice the usual faces. On top of that the disease is incurable. But Rocky of that rare breed of people who put on life in any position. Rocky intelligent, endowed with good, big heart, he is not angry at the world, which at first glance, it expects to ridicule or disgust. It is perfectly easy to learn and to seek friendship and respect classmates. He lives with his mother - hippie rocker Grow, beautiful, otvyaznoy, loving, and other members of his family - a fellow rockers gang of motorcyclists, which stands a charming, handsome mustachioed Sam Elliott, possibly his father.
What Dreams May Come

After the death of Chris Nielsen in a car accident, he, finding immortality, trying to stay close to his beautiful, but the death his wife Annie. With the help of a friendly spirit that was set for him as a conductor, he begins to get used to his new existence in an environment that otherwise can not be called as the paradise. But when his distraught wife commits suicide, her curse and forever banished to hell. Chris struggles to find his beloved, to always be with her, but nobody has ever been able to save from the terrible sinful soul, but deserved retribution. With the help of his heavenly friends, Chris is sent to the most dangerous and painful journey of his life, more precisely, in the life after death.
White Bim Black Ear

A touching lyrical film story about the fate of the dog, losing beloved master, the attitude of people to the "smaller brothers", which shines as an X-ray of the soul, revealing in some petty meanness and baseness, and in others - generosity, compassion, and the ability to love ...