11 tricks to hair looked perfect

to hair looked perfect, sometimes not enough detail of beings: somewhere pulls hair, somewhere not lay strand.
Website has collected 11 tricks that will save your hair. Everything is very simple.

Stunning beam will, if its use is twisted sock.
Make lokony

If your hair curls do not hold at all, you can resort to this method. Screw curl, wrap it in foil and hold a hair iron. Curls are obtained practically "neubivaemye."
Salt voda

Curly locks frequently in the middle of the day look sloppy, but comb your hair - so stop being curly. To keep the curls, you can use ordinary salt water. 1 teaspoon sea salt mix at 0, 5 liters of mineral water and pour into a jar with a sprayer. Salt consolidate curls and create the effect of wet hair styles.

Long hair screwed into hayratnik before putting on the accessory on your head. It is not always easy to use with a large length of the hair. But, if you initially screw the strands on hayratnik you simplify your styling.
Thick volosy

That hair seemed thicker, apply a shade of the same color as the hair, parted in the middle.
Lifts hvost

To ponytail "sad" is not hung, use a pair of invisible to lift it.
Make the tail dlinnee

If you want to visually lengthen the hair into a ponytail, just do a tail instead of two. One mounted on top of the other - below.
Getting rid of outlier voloskov

If you suffer from distracting from the hairstyles of individual hairs, try this trick: sprinkle the hair with hairspray and smooth the top unruly hair brush from the carcass. It is pushing the hairs stick together without the effect of sticky strands. Another similar method: You can apply hair spray on the brush itself.
Curls without curlers and ploek

A simple way to make curls and calm sleep: take away the hair at night under the gum.
Correct use nevidimki

All my life invisible stabs wrong!
Quick and natural lokony

Just to braid hair in a braid and hold them utjuzhkom.
Spiral shpilki

If you have straight or very unruly hair, instead of the usual stealth using spiral rods (they are screwed into the hair). With their hair will last until sunset.
Tail bantikom

A great way to make a new tail. Do not forget how smooth beaten out hair.
See also 10 "lazy" hairstyles for summer
14 hairstyles that can be done in 3 minutes
10 simple hairstyles for 5 minutes
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