15 films, mind-expanding
is believed that the cinematic value of the picture is measured by how many times you can watch it. We are in the Website are confident that these movies, even reviewing the fifth time, you can still allocate some new interesting subtexts and a pleasure to be imperceptible at first glance the details.
Another Earth / Another Earth
The film "Another Earth" is not on the planet, doubles or broken mirror - it's about how some people are trying to be other people to forget the terrible past. But they can not.
Mind Games / A Beautiful Mind
It's a simple and touching story of real-life person, played extremely exciting and touching. History painful choice, cutting into parts of the soul and the rejection of himself in order to squeeze into the framework of the average reality. And it is a love story that has it all, and without which there is nothing.
A mysterious alien from the planet K-PAX suddenly appears at a busy railway station. It looks unremarkable man - except that sunglasses and slight smile observer distinguish it from the crowd. Soon it becomes clear that the stranger's name against, and he travels with the help of the energy contained in a light beam. Not surprisingly, the place of his stay in New York is becoming a mental hospital.
Dogville / Dogville
Still from the film "Dogville»
The film is about human nature. Or rather, the impossibility of change stale moral nature of man. Merciless film director Lars von Trier leaves no hope for any change for the better.
Trans / Trance
It is very specific, exciting and high-quality movies that skillfully leads the viewer's nose during the entire timing. The film will give you an excellent acting job, stunning visuals and mesmerizing atmosphere.
Home / Inception
The film blurs the fine line between dream and reality. Makes you dive into the world of dreams, it absorbs and does not let go for a second, mercilessly playing with our imagination.
Melancholy / Melancholia
Nekuda bezhat, spryatatsya nowhere - and through dazhe shatky most blizhayshuyu in the village do not go. Kuda already here with the planet's sbezhat! Ostaetsya accept. Take pod Open nebom. We all die, and die in the date every odinochku - puskay and holding hands za.
Peaceful Warrior / Peaceful Warrior
The film, which again encourages to live consciously and optimistic. Sometimes lost in the abyss of life, forget about endlessly beautiful world. The fact that every second that something is happening and that time itself - a unique and amazing phenomenon.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind / Eternal Sunshine
of the Spotless Mind
When the sparkling romantic tragicomedy towards the middle turns into light "masturbation brain" and the atmospheric finale to the bone, you should probably talk about a masterpiece.
Tarkovsky earth. It is not about space, it - about people. The planet Solaris is not the subject of the story - it's a way to see themselves and their conscience. Think about your life, about errors that committed, and, ultimately, to admit his guilt. Declare yourself. "Shame - that feeling that will save humanity," - says Chris.
Stay / Stay
A student named Henry, who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, comes to the psychologist and said he would kill himself three days later, on Saturday at midnight. So begins the story. One of the most sad and beautiful at the same time, ever told the language of cinema.
Vanilla Sky / Vanilla Sky
The film tells about true love. Erupted suddenly, but has become a hero for the most important thing in life. But this love is not the way you envision it. Do not forget that the film is inherently treacherous puzzle of consciousness.
Awakening / Awakenings
Incredibly powerful film. A strong and sad. This is the film that I want to see in our time, where every now and vampires, miracles, magic and action. That's where real people with their problems, feelings and concerns. So many of the characters in it, the moment the words!
Dead / Dead Man
The film is an allegory, full of hidden images and symbols. It is not a western, or even a drama, but a real philosophical parable about life and death. Gorgeous drawing each frame, a great soundtrack by Neil Young, along with creating a black-and-white image of the identities of only "dead" atmosphere.
The Man from Earth / The Man from Earth
This is one of those movies that few people know, but that when viewing sink into the soul. This is not the movie to which you can go to the cinema - it's a movie for viewing in the home a cozy atmosphere, preferably in the evening after work or school. There are no special effects, there is not even familiar change of scenery, the action of the film takes place in one house, actually in the same room.
CONTINUED: More 10 films, mind-expanding (part 2)
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