The only cause of your fatigue

famous scientist James Clear summed up all that is known about the nature of the science of sleep and gave practical advice on how to sleep, to sleep, and how to become more energetic.
Website publishes a translation of an article that finally tells all you need to know about sleep. Let's start.
How much sleep you need? h3> To answer this question, let us consider the experiment conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania.
They collected 48 healthy men and women who slept an average of 7-8 hours a day. They then divided them into 4 groups.
The first group - the volunteers, who were deprived of sleep for three days in a row. The second group - those who slept all day 4 hours. The third group - people who slept 6 hours a night. Finally, the fourth group had to sleep for 8 hours - no more, no less.
Here's what happened.
Those who slept for 8 hours a day, remained "cucumber" and passed the tests as well as before the start of the experiment. Meanwhile, those who slept 4-6 hours, showing a steady decline in cognitive abilities, the problem grew with each passing day. What is even more interesting, between members of the group "4" and "6" is no noticeable difference was not.
If you sleep only 6 hours a day for two weeks straight, your mental and physical abilities are reduced to a level as if you were awake 48 hours straight.
We are not able to adequately assess themselves and their productivity. So, it may seem that chronic lack of sleep - this is normal. Or even that we do not need all 8 hours. But this is not so.
How to sleep h3> The process is called a cycle of sleep and wakefulness, determines the quality of your sleep. It has two stages:
The phase of slow wave sleep (deep sleep) - the body relaxes. This step is crucial to the recovery and "repair" of the body. REM sleep (when we easily wake up). The brain creates dreams and reorganize the information, organizes it. Therefore, in the morning you have a better working memory, and in the morning it's easier to learn. A brief conclusion: REM sleep you need for a physical recovery, fast - mental.
Age-related changes h3> Harvard Medical School says that the older you are, the harder you fall asleep. And the worse your sleep to perform its functions.
Based on the above data, it can be said that the average 80-year-old gets 62% less deep sleep than the average 20-year-old man.
There is no doubt that a good and healthy sleep - a pledge of protection against premature aging.
How to recover if you are enough sleep h3> Experts from Harvard Medical School give only one recommendation: to sleep during the day. at least a little: 20-30 minutes. This will be enough to help your brain "to come».
Circadian rhythms vary depending on how you behave and what people are doing during the day. The easiest and most proven way - for 30 minutes to look into bright light.
Some recommendations h3> Avoid caffeine. If you're having trouble falling asleep, eliminate caffeine from your diet. If you deny yourself in the morning cup of coffee you can not, then do not drink it at least in the afternoon.
Stop smoking. Tobacco provokes trouble sleeping. How to quit? They say the best book on the subject written Allen Carr. It is called "Easy Way to Stop Smoking».
bedroom - a room only for sleeping. Spend a lot of time in the bedroom? See it TV? This is your main mistake. Remove from the bedroom all have distractions: television, laptop, tablet, smartphone. And again, the curtains should be solid. So tight that night in the room was an absolute darkness.
Exercise. If you can not sleep, try to do light exercises after returning home from work. This will help your body and brain will shut down.
temperature. Most people get enough sleep best in a cool room. Perfect range - 18-21 degrees Celsius.
Sounds. The perfect silence - this is best. But if you just can not drown out the sounds of the street, use white noise. You can turn an ordinary fan or install a special application on the smartphone.
Stick to a regular sleep. The body loves rituals. Circadian rhythm - the basis of our daily lives. Go to bed and wake up at the same time on weekdays and weekends.
Develop a bedtime ritual. Avoid light from the screens of computers, televisions and mobile gadgets before bedtime. Blue light they emit, inhibits the production of melatonin in the body. As a result, you can not sleep, but your mind whenever you are in bed, driving in circles unpleasant thoughts.
You must have technique for relaxation. Researchers believe that at least 50% of the cases of insomnia are caused by stress. Find a way to deal with it every day.
Checked that working methods such as reading magazines, deep breathing exercises, meditation, exercise and keeping a diary.
How to get more energy in the first half of the day h3>
Drink a large glass of water early in the morning.Start the day with sunshine.
In general, what we all? h3> Deficit sleep, and especially if it is chronic - this is the "robber", which takes away from your performance, intelligence, physical health and good spirits. < br />
Our culture is to underestimate the importance of good sleep. So try to sleep more. Sounds simple, does not it? How about we try?
via www.flickr.com/photos/skippedheartbeats/16155345199/
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