How to get rid of the constant fatigue syndrome
We have a nasty habit of fatigue accumulated and transformed into so-called "fatigue syndrome". And coffee in the fight against this syndrome for some reason does not work, and sleep does not help. What should I do? < Website turned to ancient and modern practices and chose the most simple, effective and simple way.
1. VodaVoda, as it is known, the basis of all life, and she died of thirst does not, and from hunger saves. However, there is another important water quality - the ability to energize. It helps to cheer up perfectly
What to do:. Drinking water This should be done throughout the day, but better to start in the morning.. For example, according to Ayurvedic philosophy, drunk on an empty stomach in the morning warm water with a slice of lemon will create the mood for the whole day and certainly help to cheer up.
< However, the water should not only drink, but also casting. Simple and proven way to beat fatigue syndrome in the morning - take a contrast shower. Optional hot water replace the ice flow, the temperature difference may be small, most importantly, achieve results and give the body a pleasant sensation.
2. MassazhDelat exercises in the morning laziness, but often there is no time, especially if you overslept. < But a moment to massage the ears, you can always find. The more that this is one of the most effective ways to cheer up. On the ears are more than 170 biologically active points, reflex associated with all parts and organs of the body. Massage improves blood circulation and activates the nervous system
What to do:. Do massage can be straight in bed, immediately after waking up To do this, the thumb and forefinger should first stretch your upper ear, then gradually. move to the lobe. It is also good to pull yourself by the ears upward and outward. This massage is useful to do during the day, especially those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It helps to remove blood stasis in the internal organs.
3. Aromatherapy Essential oils truly wonder-working when it is necessary - to calm down, when it is necessary - cheer There are hundreds of different essences, and as one influence on the psyche.. So the main thing - to choose the right fragrance and to be able to use it. Fortunately, this is easy. For example, it is best to help cheer citrus notes, but anise, nutmeg and patchouli contribute to success in business. Juniper activates the creative and business skills, and to strike out from the life fatigue syndrome help rosemary, pine and peppermint, smell them increase efficiency
What to do:. Few drops of oil to add to the finished cream or body oil . as a basis suitable olive, almond, peach, coconut, sesame, and even grape seed oil. You can also arrange aromatherapy and during the day, it needs to apply a little essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale whenever you want to cheer up.
4. Food Nutritionists believe that beat fatigue syndrome balanced breakfast will help , and it's hard to argue. British researchers have attended and even made a list of such products. In their view, this is particularly excelled red apples - one such, eaten in the morning helps to wake up, enriches the body with vitamins and fiber. Also in the list included nuts, chicken, fish, oatmeal and tea
What to do:. Make up your own menu of products that provide the maximum supply of energy
5.. Tea To cheer up, not necessarily to drink coffee, have succeeded in this business, tea The most popular types of tea -. Green and black. Both are produced from a single plant, but in different ways. Green tea, unlike black little fermented - Technical treatment, which gives the drink a certain color and flavor. It is believed that it retains a more useful substances. However, people suffering from low blood pressure, black tea is more appropriate than green. Although any of them increases the mental activity of man, elevates mood and makes retreat attack called "fatigue syndrome».
< The stimulating effect of tea can be enhanced , add the lemon peel oranges, cranberries , leaves of black currant, wild rose or mint, and spices such as ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and nutmeg
What to do:. mix one part milk oolong tea, green tea and a half part of the roots ginseng and one part Puer. Infuse for 5 minutes. This drink will help to cheer up instantly. As well as ginger, is an additional tool that can overcome fatigue syndrome. Adding it can be both black and green tea, only need to take fresh root, grate it on a grater or cut into thin cubes. For one cup of tea is enough 5 grams of ginger. Boil it can be, along with tea and then pour into a thermos, let stand for 15 minutes and strain. For the sharpness of taste, you can add a pinch of chili pepper tea or a few slices of citrus.
via www.psychologies.ru/wellbeing/harmony/sindrom-ustalosti-kak-byi-vzbodritsya/

1. VodaVoda, as it is known, the basis of all life, and she died of thirst does not, and from hunger saves. However, there is another important water quality - the ability to energize. It helps to cheer up perfectly
What to do:. Drinking water This should be done throughout the day, but better to start in the morning.. For example, according to Ayurvedic philosophy, drunk on an empty stomach in the morning warm water with a slice of lemon will create the mood for the whole day and certainly help to cheer up.
< However, the water should not only drink, but also casting. Simple and proven way to beat fatigue syndrome in the morning - take a contrast shower. Optional hot water replace the ice flow, the temperature difference may be small, most importantly, achieve results and give the body a pleasant sensation.
2. MassazhDelat exercises in the morning laziness, but often there is no time, especially if you overslept. < But a moment to massage the ears, you can always find. The more that this is one of the most effective ways to cheer up. On the ears are more than 170 biologically active points, reflex associated with all parts and organs of the body. Massage improves blood circulation and activates the nervous system
What to do:. Do massage can be straight in bed, immediately after waking up To do this, the thumb and forefinger should first stretch your upper ear, then gradually. move to the lobe. It is also good to pull yourself by the ears upward and outward. This massage is useful to do during the day, especially those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It helps to remove blood stasis in the internal organs.
3. Aromatherapy Essential oils truly wonder-working when it is necessary - to calm down, when it is necessary - cheer There are hundreds of different essences, and as one influence on the psyche.. So the main thing - to choose the right fragrance and to be able to use it. Fortunately, this is easy. For example, it is best to help cheer citrus notes, but anise, nutmeg and patchouli contribute to success in business. Juniper activates the creative and business skills, and to strike out from the life fatigue syndrome help rosemary, pine and peppermint, smell them increase efficiency
What to do:. Few drops of oil to add to the finished cream or body oil . as a basis suitable olive, almond, peach, coconut, sesame, and even grape seed oil. You can also arrange aromatherapy and during the day, it needs to apply a little essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale whenever you want to cheer up.
4. Food Nutritionists believe that beat fatigue syndrome balanced breakfast will help , and it's hard to argue. British researchers have attended and even made a list of such products. In their view, this is particularly excelled red apples - one such, eaten in the morning helps to wake up, enriches the body with vitamins and fiber. Also in the list included nuts, chicken, fish, oatmeal and tea
What to do:. Make up your own menu of products that provide the maximum supply of energy
5.. Tea To cheer up, not necessarily to drink coffee, have succeeded in this business, tea The most popular types of tea -. Green and black. Both are produced from a single plant, but in different ways. Green tea, unlike black little fermented - Technical treatment, which gives the drink a certain color and flavor. It is believed that it retains a more useful substances. However, people suffering from low blood pressure, black tea is more appropriate than green. Although any of them increases the mental activity of man, elevates mood and makes retreat attack called "fatigue syndrome».
< The stimulating effect of tea can be enhanced , add the lemon peel oranges, cranberries , leaves of black currant, wild rose or mint, and spices such as ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and nutmeg
What to do:. mix one part milk oolong tea, green tea and a half part of the roots ginseng and one part Puer. Infuse for 5 minutes. This drink will help to cheer up instantly. As well as ginger, is an additional tool that can overcome fatigue syndrome. Adding it can be both black and green tea, only need to take fresh root, grate it on a grater or cut into thin cubes. For one cup of tea is enough 5 grams of ginger. Boil it can be, along with tea and then pour into a thermos, let stand for 15 minutes and strain. For the sharpness of taste, you can add a pinch of chili pepper tea or a few slices of citrus.
via www.psychologies.ru/wellbeing/harmony/sindrom-ustalosti-kak-byi-vzbodritsya/
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