20 differences between the man in whom the introvert and extrovert coexist

If you're like me, you are extroverted introvert. You feel well among men, but occasionally need alone.
"It does not happen. You're either one or the other "- say usually.
No, it happens. I like that. And a lot of other people too. And we are often misunderstood.
For example, people often see me as absolutely incorrigible extrovert who is used to getting attention from all sides. And they have no idea what pleasure for me to read in silence, away from prying eyes.
The fact that extraversion and introversion - are not mutually exclusive phenomena. This range, and you can be in any part thereof.
People like me are approximately in the middle.
Some of us have learned to be more sociable, understanding that human nature is based on the interaction.
To avoid confusion, I made a list of things that are worth knowing about extraverted introverts.
1. We are quiet, but that does not mean that we do not want to deal with all vamiChasche we have a lot of thoughts that we would like to discuss, but we are not sure that they interest you. We'd better listen to you - simply because they want to know more about you because you like to say.
2. The fact that we like to be surrounded by people, does not mean that we are ready to govoritGovorenie requires tremendous effort. It is enough to just be surrounded by people to feel happy.
3. We like to chat one-on-odinKamernye gatherings eye to eye his intimacy like us much more than the crowded company. In a private conversation we get the opportunity to really get to know you and talk about important things, instead of tossing small cues in a conversation of a large group.
4. Sometimes we do not respond to messages because they do not want to talk - even to any kemEto does not mean that we besimsya or hate everyone around. Sometimes communication is so much that we are completely exhausted, and we do not have any chatter, any SMS message to any social network. We are still open for conversation - but not now. Later.
5. We are ready to meet your other friends. Just inform us in advance about etomMy not closed to new acquaintances, just for us, it is quite tedious. We literally need to prepare themselves to dialogue and come to terms with the idea that you have to talk a lot.
6. Sometimes we feel odinokimiTrudno balance between the need to be alone with him, and the feeling of loneliness. Often we want to "go to the people", because we are alone, but the warmth and comfort of your own apartment just do not let her leave.
7. We are difficult to pull anywhere, but if it works out, we had fun on polnoyInogda take some coercion to get us out of the house. Not that we did not want to go there, but we immediately begin to think: "What if there will be boring? I could easily finish reading the book. And suddenly sold out? Or they do not want to see me and called simply out of courtesy? "We construct in the minds of hundreds of reasons to not leave the house.
8. We are happy to have a chat with your parents / friends / colleagues, but then we will need time tishineNam really need "recharging" silence after long conversations.
9. We are not the most talkative in the company, but we are always ready to support drugihMy necessarily support told anyone, if the need arises. We know that communication is not always comfortable, and if you see that someone in the conversation falls worse than us, we'll do everything possible to help him.
10. Generally, we do not have a party, but if the suit - a real challenge for the HACH hard to imagine that it is possible to organize for themselves and at any event. We do not think that people would want to come to our party. But if we decide on this, we approach the matter with the utmost responsibility.
11. We are living in their own goloveDazhe if we are at the moment out of her shell and surrounded by people, we are still immersed in the depths of his own inner world.
12. Communication and thoughtful sometimes make us leaders. But this does not mean that we want pohvalyLyudi think we want to be leaders. We can stand up and speak in front of the crowd when it's needed. We can make decisions when necessary. But we often analyze ourselves and give too high praise his skills. Sometimes we think that is not good enough for the role of leader. We always believe that might be better, so the praise we just, shrink.
13. We are balancing between the desire that our work has been noticed and appreciated, and panic at the thought that someone will spend on our more than 30 sekundInogda we want to focus, in another the same time we can not believe that someone is willing to pay us at to 10 seconds of your time.
14. Others believe we flirty. It is not takm understand that interaction with people - an integral part of life, so we try to show the people a sincere interest in them.
15. We get angry at myself when to stay home and refuse their druzyamImenno so sometimes we make ourselves "to see the light." We want our friends to know how we like to spend time with them.
16. You can meet us in cafes and coffee shops. Often we go there odniInogda we just want to be close to the people - even if it's a stranger. This is an excellent compromise for someone who need a society, but do not want to communicate.
17. We are constantly trying to control his inner introvertaEto happens when we find ourselves in the midst of a really big crowd. In my head starts pounding single thought: "Oh no, it began. I need to talk to someone right now, "and if it does not, we run the risk of inward long haul.
18. We do not like the secular besedyMy always glad to avoid a short conversation about anything, if possible. We are interested in what you think, what are your goals in life, how to live your family. We are not interested in talking about the bad weather. But, if you are comfortable talking about it - okay, we agree.
19. Our friends seldom constitute one kompaniyuObychno we select one or two people from different social groups, and they have become our close friends. Most often, they stay with us for life, and we are ready to do anything for them.
20. If we like you, it is very picky sereznoMy is for someone to spend time and energy. If we pick you, take that as a compliment. Really. It is not that we are so in love with himself. Just for us to chat - it's exhausting fight with itself. And we do not want to waste energy on people, whose society does not bring us pleasure.
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