"Ellen and the boys" - the favorite characters 23 Years After
Greetings from the good old 90's! We raced home from school faster than the wind to catch the beginning of a new series. The girls looked at the clothes, hairstyles and makeup. The boys tried after the heroes learn to play guitar or drums. This cult series adored all - for the joy of life, for optimism and for a purely French charm. Before our eyes, they fall in love, friends, disagreed. Probably, it was the first series about student life, which is shown in Russia.
Website has decided to recall what happened to our favorite heroes.
Helen - Helen Rolle (48 years old)
Nicolas - Patrick Pyudeba (44)
Katie - Katie Andrew (45)
Etienne - David Proulx (47 years old)
Joanna - Rochelle Redfield (53)
Christian "Cri Cri" - Sebastien Roche (42)
Benedict (Bene) - Laura Guibert (47)
Jose - Philippe Vasseur (49)
Lali - Lali Mena (47)
Sebastien - Sebastien Kurivo (47 years old)
Photos in the preview: AB Productions
How young we were!
Russian stars in childhood
via 24smi.org/news/27300-aktery-seriala-elen-i-rebyata-togda-i-se_spect_zv.html
Website has decided to recall what happened to our favorite heroes.
Helen - Helen Rolle (48 years old)

Nicolas - Patrick Pyudeba (44)

Katie - Katie Andrew (45)

Etienne - David Proulx (47 years old)

Joanna - Rochelle Redfield (53)

Christian "Cri Cri" - Sebastien Roche (42)

Benedict (Bene) - Laura Guibert (47)

Jose - Philippe Vasseur (49)

Lali - Lali Mena (47)

Sebastien - Sebastien Kurivo (47 years old)

Photos in the preview: AB Productions
How young we were!
Russian stars in childhood
via 24smi.org/news/27300-aktery-seriala-elen-i-rebyata-togda-i-se_spect_zv.html