25 facts that you obaldeete
The site has collected a fascinating collection of diverse facts from all over the world and from different eras. Angie! < 1. In the world there are so many diamonds that everyone on the planet has got to be the full cup.
2. Keep a person in prison in the UK costs 45 000 pounds a year - a half times more expensive than to send him to study at Eton.
3. The first advertising jingles published in newspapers - readers offered their own singing.
4. Victorian leadership advised women to travel by rail to keep the pin in his mouth as a remedy for unwanted kiss in the dark when the train passes through a tunnel.
5. If the female ferret year have not had sex, she dies.
6. Uranus is 40 times the prevalence of silver and 500 - of gold.
7. If a vampire fed once a day and always paid their victims into vampires, the entire population of the planet would turn into vampires a little more than a month.
8. The white rhinos and black rhinos - one color.
9. The females give birth to a plant aphid aphid females already pregnant female aphids.
10. Between 1838 and 1960 more than half of the photos featured babies.
11. In the XIX and early XX century, the removal of all teeth and replacing them with the slide was a popular gift to the 21 th anniversary.
12. In the XVIII century the French fleet to bury their dead in the holds.
13. 40% of mankind has lived up to the first birthday.
14. At least 99% of all that ever existed species have left no traces, including fossils.
15. «Aerosmith" has earned more money on a video game "Guitar Hero" than on any of your album.
16. The first London Underground train nicknamed "sewage tram».
17. The British retail rescues 250 million pounds a year on neotovarennyh gift certificates.
18. In Arabic, words are written from right to left, and the numbers - from left to right. Knowledge of Arabic reading texts teeming numbers, forced to read in both directions simultaneously.
19. Coal power plants emit into the air 100 times more radioactive waste than nuclear power - in the production of the same amount of energy.
20. 90% of crimes in Afghanistan's Helmand province makes the local police.
21. screwdriver was invented a hundred years before the screw. She was originally picked out the nails.
22. In French, Hungarian, Spanish, Gaelic, Italian, Portuguese, Latvian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin and Tagalog word "weather" and "time" are the same.
23. Mouse-gerbil can smell the adrenaline, and for this they keep airport security - to calculate the terrorists.
24. A typical microwave oven consumes more electricity, supporting the work of the electronic clock in the standby mode than warming food.
25. In Cubism there cubes. According to the theory postimpressionist Paul Cezanne, any object can be visually divided into cylinders, spheres and cones.
via factroom.ru
2. Keep a person in prison in the UK costs 45 000 pounds a year - a half times more expensive than to send him to study at Eton.
3. The first advertising jingles published in newspapers - readers offered their own singing.
4. Victorian leadership advised women to travel by rail to keep the pin in his mouth as a remedy for unwanted kiss in the dark when the train passes through a tunnel.
5. If the female ferret year have not had sex, she dies.
6. Uranus is 40 times the prevalence of silver and 500 - of gold.
7. If a vampire fed once a day and always paid their victims into vampires, the entire population of the planet would turn into vampires a little more than a month.
8. The white rhinos and black rhinos - one color.
9. The females give birth to a plant aphid aphid females already pregnant female aphids.
10. Between 1838 and 1960 more than half of the photos featured babies.
11. In the XIX and early XX century, the removal of all teeth and replacing them with the slide was a popular gift to the 21 th anniversary.
12. In the XVIII century the French fleet to bury their dead in the holds.
13. 40% of mankind has lived up to the first birthday.
14. At least 99% of all that ever existed species have left no traces, including fossils.
15. «Aerosmith" has earned more money on a video game "Guitar Hero" than on any of your album.
16. The first London Underground train nicknamed "sewage tram».
17. The British retail rescues 250 million pounds a year on neotovarennyh gift certificates.
18. In Arabic, words are written from right to left, and the numbers - from left to right. Knowledge of Arabic reading texts teeming numbers, forced to read in both directions simultaneously.
19. Coal power plants emit into the air 100 times more radioactive waste than nuclear power - in the production of the same amount of energy.
20. 90% of crimes in Afghanistan's Helmand province makes the local police.
21. screwdriver was invented a hundred years before the screw. She was originally picked out the nails.
22. In French, Hungarian, Spanish, Gaelic, Italian, Portuguese, Latvian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin and Tagalog word "weather" and "time" are the same.
23. Mouse-gerbil can smell the adrenaline, and for this they keep airport security - to calculate the terrorists.
24. A typical microwave oven consumes more electricity, supporting the work of the electronic clock in the standby mode than warming food.
25. In Cubism there cubes. According to the theory postimpressionist Paul Cezanne, any object can be visually divided into cylinders, spheres and cones.
via factroom.ru
15 Russian landscapes, striking in its beauty
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