25 historical facts in photos that you will blow your mind.
Eighty eight million five hundred thirty six thousand three hundred fifteen
Today in the intellectual menu of the Site is not just interesting facts, and the facts in the photos. Bon appetit! The stripper in the trading hall of the Stock exchange of Toronto, the late 1970s
Photo source: Fishki.netКрайняя flesh or death: Pakistani soldier checks whether circumcised man (ie Muslim or Hindu) during the war of independence of Bangladesh, 1971
Picnic on the highway during the Oil crisis in 1973
Due to the strong headwind the aircraft on landing crashed into a truck that stood near the runway, 1976
Spielberg during the filming of the first movie about Indiana Jones, 1980
Points that were on John Lennon the day of his assassination, 1980
Transporting the first Indian satellite, 1981
Black policeman protects members of a racist organization KKK from protesters, 1983
Moving the 7600-ton multi-apartment residential buildings, which held to pave the Boulevard in the Romanian city of Alba Iulia, 1987
Hannah Steely was born in 1746, the picture was made in 1840-m. apparently, this woman was the oldest person that has been photographed
A well-known fighter for the protection of nature, animal painter and biologist Carl Akeley pancake with attacked him with the leopard he killed with his bare hands, 1896
The world's first telephoto lens, 1900
The ceiling caved in the building of the Russian Parliament, 1907
Beggar runs for the crew of the British king George V, 1920 год
The seal on the entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamun, 1922 (print remained untouched for 3245 years)
Workers "Fiat" race to the roof of the first company's plant in Turin, Italy, 1923
Company naked Teens running away from a female police officer, Hyde Park, London. 1926
A den of opium smokers in Singapore, 1941
It looked like a flight simulator in 1942
Download the first hard disk in 5 MB in the plane PanAm, 1965
Baselabel in new York, 1960
Che Guevara and Fidel Castro fishing, 1960
The Beatles singing for 18 people in a modest club Aldershot town in December 1961. They became superstars and a half years
Morning train, Japan, 1964
The Prague spring of 1968: Soviet soldier pursues a guy throwing stones at a tank. 1968
A man works on a new computer model, 1968
via old.fishki.net/2107174-interesnye-istoricheskie-fakty-v-fotografijah.html
Today in the intellectual menu of the Site is not just interesting facts, and the facts in the photos. Bon appetit! The stripper in the trading hall of the Stock exchange of Toronto, the late 1970s

Photo source: Fishki.netКрайняя flesh or death: Pakistani soldier checks whether circumcised man (ie Muslim or Hindu) during the war of independence of Bangladesh, 1971

Picnic on the highway during the Oil crisis in 1973

Due to the strong headwind the aircraft on landing crashed into a truck that stood near the runway, 1976

Spielberg during the filming of the first movie about Indiana Jones, 1980

Points that were on John Lennon the day of his assassination, 1980

Transporting the first Indian satellite, 1981

Black policeman protects members of a racist organization KKK from protesters, 1983

Moving the 7600-ton multi-apartment residential buildings, which held to pave the Boulevard in the Romanian city of Alba Iulia, 1987

Hannah Steely was born in 1746, the picture was made in 1840-m. apparently, this woman was the oldest person that has been photographed

A well-known fighter for the protection of nature, animal painter and biologist Carl Akeley pancake with attacked him with the leopard he killed with his bare hands, 1896

The world's first telephoto lens, 1900

The ceiling caved in the building of the Russian Parliament, 1907

Beggar runs for the crew of the British king George V, 1920 год

The seal on the entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamun, 1922 (print remained untouched for 3245 years)

Workers "Fiat" race to the roof of the first company's plant in Turin, Italy, 1923

Company naked Teens running away from a female police officer, Hyde Park, London. 1926

A den of opium smokers in Singapore, 1941

It looked like a flight simulator in 1942

Download the first hard disk in 5 MB in the plane PanAm, 1965

Baselabel in new York, 1960

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro fishing, 1960

The Beatles singing for 18 people in a modest club Aldershot town in December 1961. They became superstars and a half years

Morning train, Japan, 1964

The Prague spring of 1968: Soviet soldier pursues a guy throwing stones at a tank. 1968

A man works on a new computer model, 1968

via old.fishki.net/2107174-interesnye-istoricheskie-fakty-v-fotografijah.html
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