My mother died of ezhat and baby were doomed. Help came from not waiting for!
Maternal feelings - is not an empty phrase. All mothers with lots of love and affection are to a child, even if it is not her native son. Moreover in the animal world there are cases when the mother feed and care for young The young very different kind! After all, they are mothers, and they can not bear to see when other young bad.
So one of the suburban areas were found four small, yet blind ezhat-orphans. Their mother-hedgehog was dead, and it seemed like the kids are doomed. These Fortunately, the rescue came haired cat named Sonya, who treated the Hedgehog as their own children.
ezhat Sonia took under his wing and brought up together with her mother kitten. And now grows along chorus koto-Yezhov family.
LJ user under the name k-markarian even dedicated to this event lovely poem:
Mama hedgehog died in the country,
The children were left alone blind,
Cat took them to him, but otherwise
As it without a mother? B they were killed. i>
Sonya Kitty herself because mother,
And her son grows up,
There are milk from our beauty,
To eat their fill every could. i>
Sonya sat down and sleep kids - cat and four-ezhat crumbs,
Sonia Sonia solid kids,
And they do not wake up in a hurry. i>
Let gains strength gradually
This needle red squad,
Grow - will help mom,
In the meantime let the guys go to sleep ... i>
This cat shows an example to all mothers, regardless of of people or animals are. If you are touched by reading this story, be sure to share it with your friends.
via ofigenno.cc
So one of the suburban areas were found four small, yet blind ezhat-orphans. Their mother-hedgehog was dead, and it seemed like the kids are doomed. These Fortunately, the rescue came haired cat named Sonya, who treated the Hedgehog as their own children.

ezhat Sonia took under his wing and brought up together with her mother kitten. And now grows along chorus koto-Yezhov family.

LJ user under the name k-markarian even dedicated to this event lovely poem:
Mama hedgehog died in the country,
The children were left alone blind,
Cat took them to him, but otherwise
As it without a mother? B they were killed. i>

Sonya Kitty herself because mother,
And her son grows up,
There are milk from our beauty,
To eat their fill every could. i>

Sonya sat down and sleep kids - cat and four-ezhat crumbs,
Sonia Sonia solid kids,
And they do not wake up in a hurry. i>

Let gains strength gradually
This needle red squad,
Grow - will help mom,
In the meantime let the guys go to sleep ... i>
This cat shows an example to all mothers, regardless of of people or animals are. If you are touched by reading this story, be sure to share it with your friends.
via ofigenno.cc
Completion of the four-legged family! 19 very cute pictures of dogs who were puppies.
Unbroken: 10 stars, which is not crippled even the most severe disease.