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How to become a man, has an incredible value to others

Practice small delV the Middle Ages there was a belief that the alchemists, studied chemistry, philosophy and magic, have the ability to turn ordinary metals into gold. Later, science has proven that it is impossible. But the majority still do not know that we can take the most mundane decisions and turn them into ideas that have great value. Mark Sanborn in his book "The practice of small deeds. Each person can make a difference, "she says that to be special for the other person is quite simple. In this article you will find a description of nine important principles that tell us how to do it.

Principle 1 Speak pravduSegodnya we all sorely lacking truth. In a professional environment, we are accustomed to the fact that we say things that, in the opinion of others, we want to hear, not about the actual situation. When we want to know the truth, we promise: "... tomorrow, first thing." By the evening of the next day we did it and not waiting.

Report the truth should be the base of your habit, and not the possibility of creating additional value. Some of philosopher once remarked that if the truth did not exist, someone will have invented it as the best way to get rich. Ironically, right now in such short supply that we attribute to it even bόlshuyu value than ever before.

Principle 2. Use the power of personal obayaniyaPredstavte: You just finished dinner at the restaurant. The service was pleasant but not exceptional. And goodbye to one of the waiters tells you: "We are pleased that today you looked to us." Agree, this short phrase has become can be a great end of unremarkable dinner. You can feel the power of personal charm when people are willing to open up to each other.

Principle 3. Involve others in using art oformleniyaChto you do to add to the aesthetics of your life? It may just be your unique signature or osobennno, your "branded" packaging for gifts. Beauty attracts us not only in humans but also in the products, and in general in all areas where design is involved. If any thing that has a high value, it looks unpleasant it is for us to lose some of its appeal. On the other hand, we tend to exaggerate the value of beautiful things.

Principle 4. Think in advance about the needs of others lyudeyRech the effect of expectations. Have you rented a car to get instructions on how to get to the destination, and then happily get lost in an unfamiliar place? Would not it be great if the rental officer wrote you her phone number that you called him in such a situation?

If you know that your neighbors next week go on vacation, why not invite them to pick up their mail or to water the plants while they are away? Often, people think of the little things like that require attention at the last minute.

Principle 5. Add something horosheePodumayte about your current position. You can make life peers and customers a little nicer? The joy and enthusiasm is sure to add value to you, regardless of your product or work. A good joke will add a little joy to every day. Jokes cause smiles and laughter and lift the mood around until the evening. Bring a bag of candy. Learn simple tricks to show. Think of enthusiasm as a mixture of positive emotions and energy. It is your enthusiasm turns ordinary into extraordinary events.

Principle 6: Eliminate razdrazhiteliChto longer takes you out of yourself? It would be great if sufficiently attentive surrounding noticed those pesky little things and possibly saves you from them, right? It is important to make sure that the person really would be better off without that you are trying to eliminate. That's the nastiest stimuli for most of us.

  • Wait. A little like waiting. Of course, the expectation helps develop patience, but, unfortunately, most get much more practice in this matter than we would like. Make appointments began and ended on time. To reduce the waiting time for tasks and orders to a minimum.
  • defects. When we pay for something, that something has been done correctly, the result is a very annoying defect. Make every effort to do their job perfectly.
  • errors. Often it hurts when mistakes are made by someone else, and have to pay for the consequences of you. One of the most effective methods of achieving the status of an exceptional person can be called a solution to the problem created not by you. How does this happen? Solve people's problems, even if you are not to blame for the mistakes. ("Excuse me, someone in our office lost your statement. I would be delighted to hear from you on the phone to reduce the time to reapply.") Everyone loves those who are coping with difficulties.
  • Misleading. Try never to introduce others astray. If there is a reason why there is something you do not know, explain it and tell me how to get reliable information. To be honest, you do not know the answer and do everything possible to find him.
    Principle 8. UluchshayteDelayte exactly what you have always done, but it's better than ever. If you follow this simple strategy, be sure to surround this notice. Henry John Heinz, the founder of the well-known company for the production of ketchup, perfectly described the following phrase: "Do ordinary things extraordinarily well».

    Think about all of a sudden a couple of additional suggestions in an email to transform it from just informative in really useful. How would you change your style of communication over the phone? Can you turn a buyer to call you with the claim in a regular customer, not only those that helped him solve the problem, but how do you do that?

    Principle 9 razvlekayteProyavlyayte surprise and attention, do surprises. Everyone remembered the people the ability to surprise. Bring a little magic! To become an alchemist, you need the usual ingredients: the hour and minute of each day. Their value depends on the use. The majority believes that the creation of value to spend money. However, exceptional people know that it takes only a little imagination. Try to put into practice the techniques and principles of this article - and then you will become a modern alchemist, able to transform everyday moments into pure gold.

    Based on the book "The practice of small deeds. Each person can make a difference ».

    via www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/praktika-malih-del/