"Now, I eat whatever I want": the secrets of the power of the bestselling book by David Yang
The scientific approach to edeV we came upon a book by David Yang (yes, the same billionaire founder of ABBYY) about nutrition. The data in the book have a scientific basis, validated by experts from the Institute of Nutrition and laid out in a very simple and intuitive reading material that will prolong your life.
4 main food vragaDlya start David identified 4 main food "enemy" (which, of course, the concept of the conditional, the only question dosage) and proved a popular scientific calculations, as they harm our health salt, saturated fats, sugar, bread and flour products.
Here are a few simple facts on each of the items that you want to read to swallow the entire list.
Here are the facts only about salt:
Excessive intake increases the risk of gastric cancer is 6 times, coronary heart disease - a factor of 2-3.
The average person in developed countries eat 8-16 grams of salt per day with 5 grams recommended by WHO.
With only one bread, we get 3-5 grams of salt a day, but a direct "salting" of food provides only about 2 grams per day.
Or about white wheat bread, the glycemic index of which (80-95 units) is higher than that of pure sugar (70 units). 100 grams of white bread causes insulin shock and deposited in fat percentage even more than 50 grams of pure refined sugar. Not to mention the fact that only one kilogram of bread contains 3 daily dose of salt.
The facts cited by David Yang, cracking down on the main enemies of food, based on the recommendations of the WHO and research. Of all the scientific research vyuzheny the most vivid and memorable facts submitted in clear and close images even in heavy and pumped zozhnikov cause some whoop "wow!»
What to do? Having dealt with one major Russian question ("Who is to blame?"), David moves to another ("What do I do?") References Ian at his usual approach to branding and packaging beautiful product turned into SAP (System Power David Yang). Immodest, but probably the way it should.
SPD painted in detail and clearly - literally by leaps and calories. In the active phase (first 1-3 months) David, in our view, unnecessarily harsh to the proposed calories.
But yes, the reader is once again must realize that without counting calories, he simply will not be able to control and achieve goals.
After the "active phase" for the rest of life is "happy" phase, meaning that in the title of.
Your personal power system (by your height, age, sex, weight) will send you a mail robot (of course free of charge). Here are the steps:
Along the way David answers the questions: what is in restaurants, it is possible to drink water during meals, and many others.
The whole sorry for blasphemous words, the salt of the book is laid out simply and concisely with only 21 to 72 pages. Spend part of your day and instantly swallow this important information for your life.
The rest of the book: the most valuable applications. David suggests that eating in zozhnomu can be much tastier and more diverse, gives examples of different recipes and inspiration.
Grandmothers against health deteyOtdelno note zamechatlny passage David's grandmothers.
Classical grandmother is trying by hook by crook, to feed the children pancakes and other tasty and healthy food for her understanding. Especially scary for children who are generously stuffed bread rolls with butter and sweet tea.
David leads the analogy of smoking, the dangers of which are now known to all. But the information about the dangers of fat, sugar and salt in the quantities in which they are commonly consumed in today's society, not yet reached the masses. And even more so to the grandmothers.
"And now let's grandmother, who persuades the 3-year-old grandson to eat one fried in butter pancake, drizzled with sour cream and condensed milk. Arranged for cigarettes it would sound like this: "Well, let's grandson, smoke a little more. Well, two more zatyazhechki, for mum, for dad. See what cigarettes are beautiful, fragrant. Do not want? Come another Tabachkov I'll give you, sweetie. More zatyazhechku and go play ».
Drill Book Now besplatnoA dobivochka for those who still held on to begin the book. Read and download "Now I eat whatever I want" in the pdf - is completely free on the official website of the project spd1.ru.
David Yang is not intended to make it, but only wants to make people's lives better. All author royalties go on treatment of children with cancer.
via www.zozhnik.ru/2014/06/05/%D0%BA%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0-%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5/

4 main food vragaDlya start David identified 4 main food "enemy" (which, of course, the concept of the conditional, the only question dosage) and proved a popular scientific calculations, as they harm our health salt, saturated fats, sugar, bread and flour products.
Here are a few simple facts on each of the items that you want to read to swallow the entire list.
Here are the facts only about salt:
Excessive intake increases the risk of gastric cancer is 6 times, coronary heart disease - a factor of 2-3.
The average person in developed countries eat 8-16 grams of salt per day with 5 grams recommended by WHO.
With only one bread, we get 3-5 grams of salt a day, but a direct "salting" of food provides only about 2 grams per day.

Or about white wheat bread, the glycemic index of which (80-95 units) is higher than that of pure sugar (70 units). 100 grams of white bread causes insulin shock and deposited in fat percentage even more than 50 grams of pure refined sugar. Not to mention the fact that only one kilogram of bread contains 3 daily dose of salt.
The facts cited by David Yang, cracking down on the main enemies of food, based on the recommendations of the WHO and research. Of all the scientific research vyuzheny the most vivid and memorable facts submitted in clear and close images even in heavy and pumped zozhnikov cause some whoop "wow!»
What to do? Having dealt with one major Russian question ("Who is to blame?"), David moves to another ("What do I do?") References Ian at his usual approach to branding and packaging beautiful product turned into SAP (System Power David Yang). Immodest, but probably the way it should.
SPD painted in detail and clearly - literally by leaps and calories. In the active phase (first 1-3 months) David, in our view, unnecessarily harsh to the proposed calories.

But yes, the reader is once again must realize that without counting calories, he simply will not be able to control and achieve goals.
After the "active phase" for the rest of life is "happy" phase, meaning that in the title of.
Your personal power system (by your height, age, sex, weight) will send you a mail robot (of course free of charge). Here are the steps:

Along the way David answers the questions: what is in restaurants, it is possible to drink water during meals, and many others.
The whole sorry for blasphemous words, the salt of the book is laid out simply and concisely with only 21 to 72 pages. Spend part of your day and instantly swallow this important information for your life.
The rest of the book: the most valuable applications. David suggests that eating in zozhnomu can be much tastier and more diverse, gives examples of different recipes and inspiration.
Grandmothers against health deteyOtdelno note zamechatlny passage David's grandmothers.
Classical grandmother is trying by hook by crook, to feed the children pancakes and other tasty and healthy food for her understanding. Especially scary for children who are generously stuffed bread rolls with butter and sweet tea.
David leads the analogy of smoking, the dangers of which are now known to all. But the information about the dangers of fat, sugar and salt in the quantities in which they are commonly consumed in today's society, not yet reached the masses. And even more so to the grandmothers.
"And now let's grandmother, who persuades the 3-year-old grandson to eat one fried in butter pancake, drizzled with sour cream and condensed milk. Arranged for cigarettes it would sound like this: "Well, let's grandson, smoke a little more. Well, two more zatyazhechki, for mum, for dad. See what cigarettes are beautiful, fragrant. Do not want? Come another Tabachkov I'll give you, sweetie. More zatyazhechku and go play ».
Drill Book Now besplatnoA dobivochka for those who still held on to begin the book. Read and download "Now I eat whatever I want" in the pdf - is completely free on the official website of the project spd1.ru.
David Yang is not intended to make it, but only wants to make people's lives better. All author royalties go on treatment of children with cancer.
via www.zozhnik.ru/2014/06/05/%D0%BA%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0-%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%89%D0%B5/
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