To whom it is not necessary to learn: the most unpromising occupations of our time
Who has the least chance of trudoustroystvoSamye unpromising specialty taught at Moscow universities - a veterinarian and Zootechnology follows from recent studies department of state policy in the field of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Science. Graduates of these areas have the lowest chance of employment (in fact among the graduates of 2013 employed 50, 8%) and the lowest starting salaries (24 550 rub. Per month).
Below veterinarians and Zootechnology chances of getting a job only in the direction of graduates' clinical medicine "(48% of graduates are employed), but the wages of physicians slightly higher - 31 470 rubles. per month. However, this is below the average for all graduates of Moscow: the starting salaries - 39 040 rubles., While the share of the employed - 71, 5%.
The most favorable career prospects (the ratio of wages and employment) - young professionals in the field of weapons and weapons systems, where the proportion of the employed is the highest - 94, 9%, and the average salary - the second highest in the sample Minobra (64 680 rubles. Per month ).
The highest salary - young IT-specialists (65 460 rub.), But the chances of employment they have - one of the lowest (in fact find jobs in their field only 52, 5%, which is slightly more than the mentioned Zootechnology and veterinarians). In third place in terms of salaries - young professionals navigation and operation of aviation and aerospace technology (63 810 rub.). They, like fellow gunsmiths, a high level of employment (79, 9%).
However, analysts of the labor market a little more information on the current salaries of graduates. "According to our data, the highest wages at the start of a career at the people going to work in software development, - says Natalya Danina, director of the project" Data Bank salaries HeadHunter ". - In Moscow, entry-level workers (junior specialists) is 50 000-55 000 rub. Specialist with experience in one or two years can already count on the 80 000-90 000 rub.. " According to measurements HeadHunter, higher wages also have information security specialists (order of numbers about the same), and IT consulting (less than 7-10%). The most modest salary at the entry level with the specialist for administrative support (around 25 000 rubles. In Moscow) - are employees of the administrative and economic departments, secretaries, clerks.
"The highest salary offered to young professionals in the field of information technology," - says Daria Shurygina colleagues, senior analyst recruitment portal Superjob.ru. According to her company, depending on the programming language and the specificity of a novice developer can receive from 40 000 to 70 000 rubles. For comparison, the average salary of a lawyer with a minimum of experience in the range of 35 000-55 000 rub., Economist - 35 000-60 000 rub.
via www.vedomosti.ru/management/articles/2015/06/17/596720-zarplati-vipusknikov

Below veterinarians and Zootechnology chances of getting a job only in the direction of graduates' clinical medicine "(48% of graduates are employed), but the wages of physicians slightly higher - 31 470 rubles. per month. However, this is below the average for all graduates of Moscow: the starting salaries - 39 040 rubles., While the share of the employed - 71, 5%.
The most favorable career prospects (the ratio of wages and employment) - young professionals in the field of weapons and weapons systems, where the proportion of the employed is the highest - 94, 9%, and the average salary - the second highest in the sample Minobra (64 680 rubles. Per month ).
The highest salary - young IT-specialists (65 460 rub.), But the chances of employment they have - one of the lowest (in fact find jobs in their field only 52, 5%, which is slightly more than the mentioned Zootechnology and veterinarians). In third place in terms of salaries - young professionals navigation and operation of aviation and aerospace technology (63 810 rub.). They, like fellow gunsmiths, a high level of employment (79, 9%).
However, analysts of the labor market a little more information on the current salaries of graduates. "According to our data, the highest wages at the start of a career at the people going to work in software development, - says Natalya Danina, director of the project" Data Bank salaries HeadHunter ". - In Moscow, entry-level workers (junior specialists) is 50 000-55 000 rub. Specialist with experience in one or two years can already count on the 80 000-90 000 rub.. " According to measurements HeadHunter, higher wages also have information security specialists (order of numbers about the same), and IT consulting (less than 7-10%). The most modest salary at the entry level with the specialist for administrative support (around 25 000 rubles. In Moscow) - are employees of the administrative and economic departments, secretaries, clerks.
"The highest salary offered to young professionals in the field of information technology," - says Daria Shurygina colleagues, senior analyst recruitment portal Superjob.ru. According to her company, depending on the programming language and the specificity of a novice developer can receive from 40 000 to 70 000 rubles. For comparison, the average salary of a lawyer with a minimum of experience in the range of 35 000-55 000 rub., Economist - 35 000-60 000 rub.
via www.vedomosti.ru/management/articles/2015/06/17/596720-zarplati-vipusknikov
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