6 insanely beautiful places in Russia, the existence of which is hard to believe
Typically, for such impressions we go abroad, but ... just take a look at these photos: after all these miracles have in our country! 1. Lotus polya
Lotus - symbol of Buddhism - we have always been associated with Asia, but it is well settled down in our lane, and even displace local reeds and cattails. Lotus fields there are in the nature park "Volga-Akhtuba floodplain", as well as near the Sea of Azov in the Temryuk district in Akhtanizovskaya estuary.
2. Color gory
On-site Bogdinsko Reserve Baskunchak (Astrakhan region) stands Big Bogdo mountain - a place of worship of Buddhist pilgrims. Olsha Bogd increases by 1 mm per year, and singing - the bizarre weathered rocks sand creates a porous surface, sounding when exposed to the wind.
3. Cretaceous gory
The most famous chalk cliffs in the world are located in the English county of Sussex, and the highest in Europe, located in the natural park "Donskoy" in the Volgograd region - their height is 70-100 m. Climbing to the top of a mountain, you can enjoy a happy opening overlooking the bends Don River.
4. Lake Serdtse
Heart Lake is located at the southern foot of the peak Cherskogo at the top of the mountain massif Khamar-Daban at an altitude of about 1720 meters above sea level. Past the lake lies the hiking trail 25 km, originating on the shores of Lake Baikal in town Slyudyanka.
5. outliers: mountain-griby
Pillars of weathering, or, scientifically, buttes, have in different parts of the world. Perhaps the most famous mountains like mushrooms, located in central Turkey, Cappadocia. But Russia has something to boast: Kislovodsk Park in Shirokaya Balka are red stone mushrooms.
6. Kanon
Near Sochi, on the river near the village of Golitsyno Psakho, there are two very beautiful places: dry and wet canyons, about which few know. But their views are not inferior to foreign famous routes, runs through the beds of mountain rivers!
via www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/rossijskie_analogi_inostrannym_krasotam_chast_2_13327/
Lotus - symbol of Buddhism - we have always been associated with Asia, but it is well settled down in our lane, and even displace local reeds and cattails. Lotus fields there are in the nature park "Volga-Akhtuba floodplain", as well as near the Sea of Azov in the Temryuk district in Akhtanizovskaya estuary.
2. Color gory
On-site Bogdinsko Reserve Baskunchak (Astrakhan region) stands Big Bogdo mountain - a place of worship of Buddhist pilgrims. Olsha Bogd increases by 1 mm per year, and singing - the bizarre weathered rocks sand creates a porous surface, sounding when exposed to the wind.
3. Cretaceous gory
The most famous chalk cliffs in the world are located in the English county of Sussex, and the highest in Europe, located in the natural park "Donskoy" in the Volgograd region - their height is 70-100 m. Climbing to the top of a mountain, you can enjoy a happy opening overlooking the bends Don River.
4. Lake Serdtse
Heart Lake is located at the southern foot of the peak Cherskogo at the top of the mountain massif Khamar-Daban at an altitude of about 1720 meters above sea level. Past the lake lies the hiking trail 25 km, originating on the shores of Lake Baikal in town Slyudyanka.
5. outliers: mountain-griby
Pillars of weathering, or, scientifically, buttes, have in different parts of the world. Perhaps the most famous mountains like mushrooms, located in central Turkey, Cappadocia. But Russia has something to boast: Kislovodsk Park in Shirokaya Balka are red stone mushrooms.
6. Kanon
Near Sochi, on the river near the village of Golitsyno Psakho, there are two very beautiful places: dry and wet canyons, about which few know. But their views are not inferior to foreign famous routes, runs through the beds of mountain rivers!
via www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/rossijskie_analogi_inostrannym_krasotam_chast_2_13327/
40 facts about Bitcoin, after which it will become clear why they were banned in Russia
Fact of the day: it found 30 American eye ... you know, to ... well, see for yourself