Do not break the glass as chocolate in his hand: 10 useful facts on the topic of "how to return the former"
He left. The reason is not important - if you need one, you have to return, it is a fact. Here is a list of correct and incorrect action in this sluchae.
1. Do not call it thirty times a day and do not write messages listing the benefits of your relationship ("and who is now your clothes washed will, you're alive rot") and manipulative pens ("What to do and then I'm racking my glass, like chocolate in hand »).
2. Make it clear that you yourself are tired of the relationship ("cool-cool, but then I did myself will not tell you"), but do not feed him dislike or bolezennoy attachment ("I with your iguana handle until Monday, and then littering, food hitchhiking Polesie »).
3. Fade to horizon
Incorrect: "You can worry about me, know - I'm all right, could not be better", "if you want me to say something, say it now, soon I will not be before", "I'm leaving for good, do not search I was in the Hare Krishna commune near Kaluga no vayf ».
Correct: "... the last time was in the network 10 days ago».
4. Remember, for which he praised you and what points were the cause of conflict. Honestly evaluate yourself in the parameters "agreeable" and "pleasing to the eye", draw conclusions, ask mutual friends, make a plan for correcting errors.
5. Try to change dramatically. If you previously had a reputation for witty active lady (that is, he remembers you as a pressure on the psyche troubled ulcer), imagine that you need blood from his nose Oscar for her role Turgenev girl. Champion of the natural style of the time to think about what her careful makeup and nude expensive Ombre former could take in the spirit of "all the girls like girls, and this is my forever with faded hair and though time has made up." Neat-bustling kulinarshe it's time to turn from his mother at his girlfriend Man and assertive nerdy-trudogolichke add some lightness to his emotionally castrating image of the Terminator.
6. Do not mention the common past in the bud and push the inner arm. Stay smooth and friendly, do not climb into the soul, hit into the details, do not ask, do not offer or advise.
For example: "Oh, hi," (back to reading a magazine, 260 th level of your favorite games, interrupted conversation), "the rules have not slept a little" (to the question "how are you all doing?"), "Bought my mother a phone that you are advised - she likes, thank you ».
7. Hide emotions about his new girlfriend, and even better - be it buddy. First, the enemy will be close and you get used to confide their thoughts. Second, sooner or later you team up against him in any situation that will cause him a rush of unpleasant feelings, not only to you (you somehow survive), but also to your replacement. Proceed slowly. Well to start with a compliment and a small request, which requires from her a minimum of effort and cause maximum gratitude ("I'm sorry, I'm so cocky, just on you the most perfect dress that I have two months of looking for a wedding sister, tell me, where are sold ?. "Aerobatics - a request that, after you have added each other in social networks, and even there you will easily be able to issue such content to be her best friend.
share her ridiculous shameful stories that he would prefer to forget, "he's telling you how drunk snipe went pee on the wall" Gypsy, "a guard called out, well, he turned and poured over it, and at the site he sang Sade and bums fighting? ». in conversations with former unobtrusively on the side of his girlfriend so that she he was soon disgusted with" us at work gave shampoo "Horsepower," so I brought you - my head everything wash can be, and your complains about the loss of his thin hair, here, take three bottles soon March 8 ». 8. Mask their interests
Ex - creating suspicion and will trust you only when his attention is blunted neutralizes You factors: you are experimenting with her bisexuality, going to America to a rich pensioner, I love you on Skype or on the ears in love with a married brother's boss. The more details will flow away in a public space, the faster you will believe.
9. Demonstrate progress
Acting on the instructions you have eliminated the major gaps in its image, that made favorite to scream at the thought that he ever will be with you in the same building. But there is no limit to perfection, in line to new heights:
stop whining and find fault with everything you see on the internet and in life Make a normal haircut (not three hundred rubles in a stall), discard all the things that you yourself do not like: give up the habit of living other people's lives, whether it's hours of conversation with distressed relatives or public debate about the appropriateness of the new tax policy - this swamp will eat your strength needed to change refuse introspection if sessions reflection end sobs and devouring chocolates Find at least one intellectual developmental activity that you really enjoy Be aware of the news in the areas for which it makes sure not to make suspicious initiative ( "Hello, oh what will happen in the fall, induction charging in the older MacBook!"), but be prepared to keep the conversation Make a list of what you should love, and ask for a neutral man he corrected < / 10. Call it the initiative
We all have moments of weakness, your former lover and a friend recently, they too will be. Do not jump in the pool with his head - if he had quarreled with his girlfriend, was crying and goes to you in the neck, in the morning your many months of efforts turn to ashes, it is ashamed and sever all ties with you. On the contrary, participation and mild detachment true friend will cause the respect and reward handsomely. To call it an initiative, it is enough:
be better than the old self and his new passion in those aspects that are important to him - from the understanding of the theory Hameroff-Penrose to technology blowjob to rotate in the same circles, that he to attract admiring attention of other men have in life is something more important than studying, beauty, blogging and shuffling in the memory of your relationship with him.
via mtrpl.ru/ex

1. Do not call it thirty times a day and do not write messages listing the benefits of your relationship ("and who is now your clothes washed will, you're alive rot") and manipulative pens ("What to do and then I'm racking my glass, like chocolate in hand »).
2. Make it clear that you yourself are tired of the relationship ("cool-cool, but then I did myself will not tell you"), but do not feed him dislike or bolezennoy attachment ("I with your iguana handle until Monday, and then littering, food hitchhiking Polesie »).
3. Fade to horizon
Incorrect: "You can worry about me, know - I'm all right, could not be better", "if you want me to say something, say it now, soon I will not be before", "I'm leaving for good, do not search I was in the Hare Krishna commune near Kaluga no vayf ».
Correct: "... the last time was in the network 10 days ago».
4. Remember, for which he praised you and what points were the cause of conflict. Honestly evaluate yourself in the parameters "agreeable" and "pleasing to the eye", draw conclusions, ask mutual friends, make a plan for correcting errors.
5. Try to change dramatically. If you previously had a reputation for witty active lady (that is, he remembers you as a pressure on the psyche troubled ulcer), imagine that you need blood from his nose Oscar for her role Turgenev girl. Champion of the natural style of the time to think about what her careful makeup and nude expensive Ombre former could take in the spirit of "all the girls like girls, and this is my forever with faded hair and though time has made up." Neat-bustling kulinarshe it's time to turn from his mother at his girlfriend Man and assertive nerdy-trudogolichke add some lightness to his emotionally castrating image of the Terminator.

6. Do not mention the common past in the bud and push the inner arm. Stay smooth and friendly, do not climb into the soul, hit into the details, do not ask, do not offer or advise.
For example: "Oh, hi," (back to reading a magazine, 260 th level of your favorite games, interrupted conversation), "the rules have not slept a little" (to the question "how are you all doing?"), "Bought my mother a phone that you are advised - she likes, thank you ».
7. Hide emotions about his new girlfriend, and even better - be it buddy. First, the enemy will be close and you get used to confide their thoughts. Second, sooner or later you team up against him in any situation that will cause him a rush of unpleasant feelings, not only to you (you somehow survive), but also to your replacement. Proceed slowly. Well to start with a compliment and a small request, which requires from her a minimum of effort and cause maximum gratitude ("I'm sorry, I'm so cocky, just on you the most perfect dress that I have two months of looking for a wedding sister, tell me, where are sold ?. "Aerobatics - a request that, after you have added each other in social networks, and even there you will easily be able to issue such content to be her best friend.
share her ridiculous shameful stories that he would prefer to forget, "he's telling you how drunk snipe went pee on the wall" Gypsy, "a guard called out, well, he turned and poured over it, and at the site he sang Sade and bums fighting? ». in conversations with former unobtrusively on the side of his girlfriend so that she he was soon disgusted with" us at work gave shampoo "Horsepower," so I brought you - my head everything wash can be, and your complains about the loss of his thin hair, here, take three bottles soon March 8 ». 8. Mask their interests
Ex - creating suspicion and will trust you only when his attention is blunted neutralizes You factors: you are experimenting with her bisexuality, going to America to a rich pensioner, I love you on Skype or on the ears in love with a married brother's boss. The more details will flow away in a public space, the faster you will believe.
9. Demonstrate progress
Acting on the instructions you have eliminated the major gaps in its image, that made favorite to scream at the thought that he ever will be with you in the same building. But there is no limit to perfection, in line to new heights:
stop whining and find fault with everything you see on the internet and in life Make a normal haircut (not three hundred rubles in a stall), discard all the things that you yourself do not like: give up the habit of living other people's lives, whether it's hours of conversation with distressed relatives or public debate about the appropriateness of the new tax policy - this swamp will eat your strength needed to change refuse introspection if sessions reflection end sobs and devouring chocolates Find at least one intellectual developmental activity that you really enjoy Be aware of the news in the areas for which it makes sure not to make suspicious initiative ( "Hello, oh what will happen in the fall, induction charging in the older MacBook!"), but be prepared to keep the conversation Make a list of what you should love, and ask for a neutral man he corrected < / 10. Call it the initiative
We all have moments of weakness, your former lover and a friend recently, they too will be. Do not jump in the pool with his head - if he had quarreled with his girlfriend, was crying and goes to you in the neck, in the morning your many months of efforts turn to ashes, it is ashamed and sever all ties with you. On the contrary, participation and mild detachment true friend will cause the respect and reward handsomely. To call it an initiative, it is enough:
be better than the old self and his new passion in those aspects that are important to him - from the understanding of the theory Hameroff-Penrose to technology blowjob to rotate in the same circles, that he to attract admiring attention of other men have in life is something more important than studying, beauty, blogging and shuffling in the memory of your relationship with him.
via mtrpl.ru/ex
These 10 facts from someone who knows 16 languages, will be useful to those who want to learn English
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