You can try as many kinds of chocolate as you can.

Bayanchik girls
1. You can lick the chocolate as much as you want.
2. Infected with chocolate is not scary.
3. The word "commitment" does not scare chocolate.
4. Chocolate can be hard for weeks and bring pleasure, even when soft.
5. Thou shalt not hesitate to eat chocolate in front of his mother.
6. The chocolate will not mind if you're going to bite his nuts too.
7. Can you deal with eating chocolate on a table during the working day, and it will not cause condemnation from your colleagues.
8. You can ask a stranger for chocolate and do not get slapped for it.
9. The size of the chocolate does not matter, it is always good.
10. Engage eating chocolate can be any day of the month.
11. You will never be too young or too old for chocolate.
12. You are always happy to swallow chocolate.
13. Good chocolate is easy to find.
14. From the chocolate does not get pregnant.
15. You can try as many kinds of chocolate as you can.
16. Chocolate will never tell you that long hair you are better.
17. Later you discovered that your chocolate is married.
18. With chocolate there is no need for simulating.
19. When you eat chocolate, the neighbors are sleeping peacefully.
20. Chocolate never snaps your bra and pinches you in the ass.
21. It is not a problem to find a chocolate length 22.5cm.