30 facts about how the wrong choice deprives us of vitality

Life - is such a thing, in which a person constantly have to make choices. One study showed that only food choice we make to four hundred times a day! What can we say about the more important things ... The site offers a selection available when we, without even noticing, we make the wrong choice - one that sucks the life force out of us ...

We're losing power when ...

  • say "yes", while I wanted to say "no";
  • smile, instead of crying;
  • Do not rest;
  • persuade yourself to suffer a little more, instead of understanding "For a bright purpose I now it suffer?»;
  • offended, rather than ask the person that we need;
  • doing the wrong business;
  • People are not interested in, and we somehow come up with reasons continue to communicate with him;
  • the people next to us most of the time talking about the negative ;
  • are talking a lot about politics, utility tariffs, traffic jams, and so on. d.;
  • gossip;
  • a lot and emotionally tell how others live;
  • work on uninteresting, boring work;
  • afraid;
  • expect that someone will come (Grandfather Frost, the prince, tycoon Leopold) and life will change;
  • berated himself, considers himself unworthy, incompetent, out of luck.
    • to meet new people;
    • Get the new knowledge;
    • Traveling;
    • Overcome your fears;
    • Try something new;
    • Walk (not to be confused with the "run job" or go to the store, and it is a walk without a specific purpose);
    • We are engaged in creative work;
    • We communicate with nice people;
    • to communicate with people who support us and believe in us;
    • We are engaged in your body (you can use any bodily practice, sauna, swimming pool);
    • Release the physical space (remember how differently you feel in the renovated rooms);
    • Release the emotional space (remember, you are in a different feel when you failed to forgive and to say goodbye to person);
    • We say 'no' when you want to say "no" and say "yes" when I want to say "yes»;
    • We start to do what we want. < /

      via www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/chto-ty-vyberesh/


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