10 amazing facts about octopuses

1.U octopus three hearts, one (thing) is driving a blue blood throughout the body, while the other two - gill - push the blood through the gills.
2. Octopus able to perceive infrasound. Ordinary sounds they hear, too, despite the lack of ears.
3. Octopus Tentacle capable of swinging, breaking his own in the event of danger, like a lizard's tail is discarded.
4. Octopus breathe with gills, but prolonged exposure out of the water does not cause them serious harm.
5. Octopuses rectangular pupils.
6. Scared octopus is white, angered blushes.
7. The testicles are located in the head of an octopus.
8. Octopus zoopsychologists many consider the most "intelligent" of all invertebrates in many respects: be trained to have a good memory, distinguish geometric shapes - a small square differs from the larger; rectangle posed vertically on the rectangle supplied horizontally; circle from a square, rhombus from a triangle. Get to know people are getting used to those who feed them. If you spend enough time with octopus, it becomes tame. Perfectly teachable.
9. Octopus - chistyuli: their home they "sweep" a jet of water from the funnel, and leftovers stacked outside in the trash heap.
10. In some countries (eg Japan), octopus eaten alive. They are cut into thin slices and eat them for a few minutes, until the muscle tentacles continue konvulsirovat.
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
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