Eaten octopus

US citizen described how being on vacation, he caught and ate octopus, which turned out to be so rare, that before it was possible to catch only once.

49-year-old mechanical engineer Labros Hydra pulled out of the sea is incredibly rare creature, when he went swimming and snorkelling in Greece. He and his son, following local traditions, the octopus hit a stone, until he died, and then carried him to a nearby restaurant to local chef cooked marine life.

The chef refused to cook octopus, saying that it is very rare, and that should leave Labrosu clam alive. However, the father of two children decided that a delicacy not be the abyss, and he prepared for his dinner.

According to Mail Online, the first time an octopus with six tentacles scientists have learned five years ago, when one of them was discovered off the coast of North Wales. This octopus was taken to Sea Life Centre in Blackpool.

Currently Labros trying to learn more about marine mutant. It also seeks to help Oceanology Greece, trying to remember as many details of the place where caught a rare creature.

It tasted like a normal octopus, but now I feel very bad. When we got him, we could not assume that he is special, "- says the father of two children.

The man admitted that he rides with the kids to Greece every year, and every time they manage to catch an octopus, they are doing the same.

"I wanted to know more about the octopus, but where we rested, no Internet. Then I called my friend, biologist, and he confirmed to me the words of the chef. When I heard, I was terrified, "- said the man.

Labros now seeks to do everything possible to help scientists learn more about the six-legged octopus. According to him, it's the least he can do to make amends, he feels after the murder of a rare creature.

Biologists believe that the six-legged octopus is the result natal abnormalities, and not a representative of a new species.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/43296-sedennyj-semej-osminog-okazalsya-redchajshim-v-mire.html