Number of convolutions in the brain is not connected with the presence of mind

If you've ever wondered "why the brain convolutions appear?", Then, surely, the most common response was obtained from knowledge. That is, the more one knows, the "tortuous" his brain. Conversely, at the silly people in the brain "is only one gyrus».
All this is, of course, outdated myth. Brains in the brain appear due to the fact that the brain inside the skull nowhere to grow but to compact the layers lying down. If it was possible to spread the human brain, he would have been about the size of a pillowcase. We would not have this silly, but we would have to wear a head on his shoulders, commensurate in size with a pillow.
There is a short period of time when the statement "the more convolutions, the smarter" is really important. In the early embryonic development of any human brain is smooth, but the fruit reaches the age of 40 weeks, all the convolutions are formed, and their number will no longer change throughout life.
via factroom.ru