In 1882 the picture was written as a black rectangle "Battle of Negroes in the tunnel"

In 1882 (33 years before the "Black Square" by Malevich) at the exhibition «Exposition des Arts Incohérents» in Paris, the poet Paul Bilo presented the painting «Combat de nègres dans un tunnel» («The Battle of Negroes in the tunnel"). However, this was not the square, and the black box.
French journalist, writer and humorist Alphonse Allais eccentric idea so much that he developed it in 1893, calling her a black rectangle «Combat de nègres dans une cave, pendant la nuit» («Battle Blacks in a cave deep in the night"). Do not stop progress, then he puts Alla pristine white sheet of Bristol paper entitled "First Communion girls suffering from chlorosis in snow time." Six months later, the following picture Alphonse Allais was perceived as a kind of "coloristic explosion." Rectangular landscape "Harvesting tomatoes at the Red Sea Cardinals apoplectic" was a bright red monochrome painting without the slightest sign of the image (1894). Eventually in 1897, the book of 7 paintings «Album primo-avrilesque» (April Fools Day album).
Thus, twenty years before the revelations Suprematist Kazimir Malevich venerable artist Alphonse Allais became "an unknown author," the first abstract paintings. Alphonse Allais also famous for the fact that almost seventy years suddenly anticipated the famous minimalist musical piece "4'33" "of John Cage, which is a four and a half" a minute of silence. " Perhaps the only difference from the Alphonse Allais was to his followers that he, showing his staggeringly innovative work, did not try to look like a meaningful philosophy or serious discoverer.
Source: www.neznal.ru
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