Lungfish can live without water
If an African with a shovel on his shoulder goes fishing in the sun-scorched countryside, where there is even a hint of a puddle, - so he hopes to get amazing lungfish protopter, and they, oddly enough, it is easier to find on land, not in the water.
Lungfish first appeared 390 million. Years ago and can be considered the one of the oldest fish in the world. The main feature of lungfish, that in addition to gills, which have all the fish they have and lungs. (This is where their name, talking about the ability to breathe in two ways.) This amazing feature, apparently, and saved them from death, long ago when the world began to dry up freshwater ponds and many fish have died. And these - none. They learned to be good in the water and on land. Biologists believe that lungfish are the result of a "rough" nature of attempts to make the transition of vertebrates from aquatic habitat on land. In the end, such attempts have led to the emergence of amphibians.
Once lungfish were plentiful, but now they are preserved only 6 species. African protopter (of 4 species) and South American lepidosiren have two lungs, and the Australian Queensland Lungfish or barramundi - only one.
Source: www.alfawit.info
via factroom.ru
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