10 facts about delirium tremens
1. Delirium tremens is accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations. Patients often see devils and various small animals, which are very unwilling to talk to them.
2. Delirium tremens is accompanied by loss of the ability to navigate in space and time. Patients can not determine your location, and know the house.
3. Man suffer from insomnia and constant fear. Patients complain of obsessions.
4. Nightmares and fears become more real, their stories are pulled from the depths of the mind, and are embodied in the forms that are most afraid of the patient. If he is afraid of bandits, it will pursue the bandits.
5. feature of delirium tremens is that he never develops on the background of intoxication, and occurs only in the absence of action on the body usual dose of alcohol.
6. Blue Devils causes cramps, chills and sweating, heart rate increases, the body is dehydrated, the pressure increases.
7. When the white heat of the body temperature rises to 40 degrees and above.
8. In the daytime, the psychosis of delirium tremens may temporarily retreat - the patient becomes adequate, begins to orient in a situation to talk about what happened to him during the night, aware that sick. However, the evening psychosis begins again.
9. During delirium tremens human body is in critical condition, a person is on the verge of death, he needed expert help.
10. Blue Devils can last from a couple of days to three weeks.
Source: www.muz4in.net
via factroom.ru
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