The Chinese online store, you can buy a "new" face, fingers and ears
China is catching new attraction - a change of face. "New Face" can be bought in the country's largest online store Taobao - made it very realistic mask made of superfine medical silicone, writes NEWSru Israel.
For sale is a special gel and so firmly sticking to the face mask, it is able to transmit human facial expressions. The thickness of an "artificial skin" - from 0, 1 to 1 mm. Material mimics the structure of the epithelium and may enter another person astray from a distance of about one meter. The cost of a "new face" ranges from 500 to 2 million yuan (about 75-300 US dollars). Yet for fifty yuan can supplement it with a mustache or a beard.
It produces ultra-fine mask some studio in Beijing. The owner of the studio, Mr. Xu said that the vast majority of those who buy the "new faces" do it "for fun", for example, to play his girlfriend or friends. There are also people with defects of appearance.
For sale is a few hundred kinds of masks. "The number of requests to us all grow, and business is booming," - said Mr. Xu. In his workshop he employed a total of four employees. In addition to the masks, they also produce the artificial fingers and ears, the newspaper The China Daily.
Source: www.novonews.lv
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