9, the most interesting facts about hot dogs and sausages

1. It is believed that the famous sausage invented in Germany butcher Johann Georg Laner. In 1804 he moved to Frankfurt, where he studied the craft butcher in Vienna and opened a shop. Laner year later presented their invention to customers - sausage, called "Frankfurt" or "Vienna". The most interesting thing is that the Viennese sausages or Vienna, or even in the whole of Austria is not found, here they are called "frankfurters". And the rest of the world, and even in Frankfurt, long, thin sausages called "Viennese».
2. It is said that the "Doctor's" sausage originally wanted to call "Stalin", but feared. "Doctor's" sausage appeared in 1936 as a dietary product for the "patients who have poor health as a result of the Civil War and royal despotism».
3. blue cheese no surprise. But moldy sausage - is a rarity. In Italy it is called salame (salami, incidentally, is an Italian word and nothing to do with Finland it does not). It matures this sausage in the basement, where it is always cool. About a month later sausage covered with a light-green mold, and three months later the mold becomes grayish and very dense - it means that the sausage is ready and it can be eaten.
4. The most famous sausages Germany - Bavarian white sausages, vayssvursty. The white color gives them pork, from which they are made by a third (the remaining two-thirds - veal, parsley, lemon zest, onion, pepper, salt, aromatic herbs and spices). White sausages also called Munich, as their inventor, Moser Zep, a native of Munich. About vayssvurstah were composed hymns and poems, written gastronomic treatises, and once there was even a topic vayssvurstov devoted international congress.
5. Right Nuremberg sausages have to be exactly the size of your little finger, and so they bought dozens per serving. But in the area of Wurzburg sausage fairs to make meter-long and carefully fold them rings.
6. In the north of Bavaria is popular so-called blue sausage (Blaue Zipfel). In fact, it is certainly not blue, a very pale, due to the fact that it is boiled with lots of vinegar. These dogs also have a distinctive sour taste (also thanks to vinegar).
7. The strangest varieties of sausages - this is probably a vegetarian (its composition may include seaweed, wheat germ or bran), sweet "sausages for tea" from the chopped biscuits and condensed milk and ... gold. < br />
8. in Dusseldorf has a restaurant where you can eat gold sausages. This ordinary sausage, covered with a thin layer of pure gold of 585 tests. The fact that the restaurant owner sincerely believes that gold is good for digestion and health.
9. Special equipment, sniffing suitcases aviaturistov in search of explosives, often gives false positives in the luggage of tourists from Germany. You see, in the sausage contains sodium nitrite (precisely because it keeps red sausage), which is a component of many mass of explosives. So take a German delicacy of terrorist action.
via factroom.ru
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