There syndrome neraschёsyvayuschihsya hair
in medical journals since 1973, it recorded a total of about one hundred cases of this rare disease. Typically, the syndrome occurs in children from 3 months to 12 years, and expresses itself precisely because it is called. The hair is usually blond, stand on end, and do not lend themselves scratching.
The problem, according to dermatologist Dr. David Orentreich from New York Medical Group researchers Orentreich, lies inside the hair shaft. Under the microscope clearly shows the difference in the structure of the hair in patients with the syndrome of normal hair. "Hair is usually dry, frizzy, brittle gradually become intractable scratching because the uneven surface of the hair shaft." - Says the doctor.
Neraschёsyvayuschihsya Hair Syndrome was first described in 1973 in the French medical research, which dubbed him «cheveux incoiffables». It has been found that the disease can occur due to genetic factors, but also can occur unpredictably. In 1982 in Germany conducted a study of six family members suffering from the syndrome neraschёsyvayuschihsya hair. In 2007, the medical journal reported the whole family suffering from the syndrome for four generations.
Source: www.strannoe.info
via factroom.ru
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