8 myths about women
1. Women have never provided semyuIzdavna stereotype, according to which the husband is the breadwinner, spent his time hunting, and his wife engaged in children and households, collecting perhaps some small berries . However, according to the latest data of archaeologists, the main breadwinners were just kind of woman that brought up to 80% of food (nuts, eggs, wild vegetables). Kill the animal was then considered a rarity and luck, accompanied by a multi-day chase prey, so their wives had no choice but to support his family. According to scientists - our ancestors lived in almost equal society, someone engaged in gathering, and someone - willingly.
2. Any mother, unlike the father of her baby learns zapahuShvedskie scientists in 2001, decided to check out this old statement. To test the baby were taken 24 to 4 weeks and 24 children at the age from 2 to 4 years. They slept in special shirts. The samples were given to smell both parents and childless men and women. It was found that babies feel fragrance exclusively by men, and women did not reveal any difference between the smell of babies and older children, and, moreover, were not able to identify your child.
3. Women are in contact with children better ottsovEto widespread myth. In California, we conducted surveillance of his fathers, and it was found that, in the same way as mothers, fathers of newborn babies immediately set them tight emotional contact. Those men, overseen by scientists, as well as the mother, a lot of talking and playing with their newborn babies, kissing and caressing them. Men definitely identify signals of their young children - hunger, boredom, fear. But children's laughter men reacted more reserved.
4. Women's intuition is better than muzhskayaPo the stereotype, is pleased to support the women themselves, their intuition is far more developed than men, women are more sensitive to future changes. Scientists exposed study and analysis of all the studies on this subject over the past 20 years and found that this statement - just a myth. By testing the intuition it is clear that both men and women about the same results. Society enables women to believe in their superiority in this aspect, but there are no special genetically determined abilities in this respect the fair sex there.
5. Women are not as aggressive as muzhchinyKazalos would all know that men - notorious Buzoter and women - gentle air creatures, a kind of cat. However, not all so simple. Dozens of studies have shown that in cases of physical aggression among children, of course, lead the boys, but the manifestation of aggression in other cases, sex differences are not so noticeable. Girls are more characteristic of indirect effects - the gossip, the refusal to be friends, manipulation. And it is an occasion to reflect on the fact that not only men are aggressive, especially with age men lose their numerical superiority in physical strength.
6. Women are paid less than the work of the German organization muzhchinV Soziookonomische Panel for more than 20 years, held a regular sampling, which is a representative sample unexpectedly found that 35% of women earn more than their husbands. Similar conclusions have been drawn and Richard Freeman of Harvard. He came to the conclusion that in the US nearly 30% of working women earn more than their husbands. And according to the Foundation Uirpula in Europe women earn more than men, generally 59%.
7. Almost all the inventions belong muzhchinamNa actually there are things whose invention and would never ascribe to men - bra, coffee filter, and many others. In a life full of inventions that are designed to make life easier, and which were invented by women. Even in areas such as computer technology, medicine and the natural sciences, women also belong to important discoveries. So, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin using X-rays to decipher the structure of many molecules, the daughter of Lord Byron, Ada Byron Lovelace, wrote a program of mathematical calculations, which gave it its right to be called the first programmer of the planet. The material for body armor, lightweight, but at the same time and hard as steel, also invented a woman - Louise Stephanie Kwolek. And remember the double Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie! And the list goes on and on.
8. Women are absolutely not interested pornografiyaPo to a study of the Hamburg Institute of Gewis-Institut among a strong half interest in pornography about 73%, and among women this figure is over 50%. During the display of erotic action on the TV screen going to his women even more than men.
Source: ibigdan.livejournal.com
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