Freeganism - it is anti-globalization movement, whose members are fed scraps from garbage cans

In the United States it is becoming increasingly popular new movement, whose members called themselves "freegans" food and feed exclusively from dumpsters. "Freegans" are the exact opposite of gourmets and quietly satisfied by any leftovers that can only be found.
Freeganism began in the mid-1990s, this movement promotes the anti-consumption lifestyle, anti-globalism, ecology and welcomed alternative strategies for living, such as you see in the photographs of New Yorkers who rummage in garbage cans and with a smile pull out from there all sorts of "goodies." The members of this movement, some of whom earn a decent, quiet and content with scraps thrown out of restaurants and supermarket products.
Despite this rather strange behavior, "Freegans" enjoy life, visiting the best places where one can find free food, including potatoes, peppers, packaged salads, yogurt, pasta, rolls and hummus. From all this diversity they do burgers and enjoy a true barbecue.
Organizer Janet Kalish, who practices Freeganism for the past two decades, said the move is becoming more popular with each passing year, as their ranks comes a growing number of conscious beginners.
"Freegans" trying to fight the ever-increasing amount of waste and is doing everything possible to halt this trend.
According Freegan.info, members of the movement "in favor of community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, as opposed to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed».
The word "freegan" comes from the English word "free" and "vegan».
Source: www.skuky.net
via factroom.ru