10 amazing matches
1. In 1848, the tradesman Nikifor Nikitin for "seditious speech about the flight to the Moon" was sent not just anywhere, but in the distant village of Baikonur! There are coincidences in life.
2. When American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface, the first thing he said was, "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky!". Child Armstrong overheard quarrel neighbors - couples with the surname Gorski. Mrs. Gorski scolded her husband: "Most neighborhood boy flies to the moon than you satisfy a woman!».
3. The residents of the Scottish village looked at the local cinema film "Around the World in 80 Days." At a time when movie heroes sat in a balloon, and chopped off the rope, there was a strange crash. It was found on the roof of the cinema fell ... the same as in the movie, a balloon! (1965)
4. When "Titanic" hit an iceberg in the film that was broadcast on television in the house English family ran an ice meteorite - a rare phenomenon in itself.
5. In 1944, the newspaper "Daily Telegraph" published a crossword puzzle that contains all the code names of secret operations of the landing of allied troops in Normandy. Exploration rushed to investigate "leaked." But crossword compiler turned an old school teacher, puzzled as incredible coincidence no less troops.
6. The two foster families, adopted twins, unaware of each other's plans, named the boys - James. The brothers grew up unaware of each other, both received law degree, both married women named Linda and gave birth to sons. They learned about each other in 40 years.
7. In 1920, three Englishmen were traveling on the train in the same compartment. In the process of dating revealed: the name of one of them was Binkhem, the second - Powell, and the third - Binkhem Powell. None of them was related to the other.
8. In 1920, the American novelist Anne Parrish, came across in a secondhand store on your favorite children's book. When she opened the book at home, she found on the title page inscription: "Anne Parrish, 209N, Webber Street, Colorado Springs." It was her own children's book.
9. In one of the supermarkets of the English county of Cheshire, as soon as the cash register sits at number 15, the cashier, so a few weeks later she was pregnant. The result - 24 pregnant women and 30 children were born.
10. of the Fifth December 1664 off the coast of Wales sank the passenger ship. Killing all crew members and passengers, except one. Lucky called Hugh Williams. More than a century later, the fifth day of December 1785 at the same place another ship was wrecked. And once again saved the only person by the name of ... Hugh Williams. In 1860, again, the fifth of December here sank a fishing schooner. In survived only one fisherman. And his name was Hugh Williams!
Source: www.radioc.ru
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