Different sensations experienced by dying have a scientific explanation
People who have experienced clinical death, tell us that at this point they felt like coming out of his body and fly through the dark tunnel, at the end of which is visible light. Someone hears with the strange, unearthly sounds, someone looks at the events of life lived, but if in a rollback. Others say that greeted their relatives long gone to the next world. A particularly impressionable assure that opened the possibility of a psychic after a flight to the astral plane.
However, scientists are skeptical about such reports and to explain these feelings quite rationally. For example, researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge made a version that the brain tries to adapt to the fact of death, that gives rise to hallucinations.
Dr. Caroline Watt of the University of Cambridge says that you can experience the same feeling of not being in the intensive care unit. "We put on the test head-mounted display (HMD), and includes an image of themselves. It turned out, though they see themselves from a distance of several meters. All study participants were told that we could imagine, if out of his body. Many said that it was very realistic, "- said Watt.
The sense of peace and tranquility, which they say have returned from the dead, due to hit the hormone norepinephrine in the blood, the researchers say. Usually, it stands at the moment of stress or injury. The brain perceives death as something akin to the critical cases in an attempt to adapt to the circumstances, with whom he had not previously encountered. Apparent meeting with the relatives of the dead may be explained by the same. With them, a person connected pleasant memories, so a large amount of norepinephrine causes these visions.
Long tunnel or flight toward the light - the result of a gradual withering away of the cells that are responsible for the transformation of light reaching the retina in certain pattern in the brain. This opinion is shared by Professor Sam Parnina from the Department of Medicine, University of Edinburgh.
It is worth mentioning other theories put forward earlier. According to a study by researchers of the University of Maribor, elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the blood causes such strange hallucinations. They agree, and other specialists, who added that patients hear an unusual noise because of the lack of oxygen, which is no longer flow to the brain. A "life passing by" a consequence of the gradual dying of memory cells. The process takes place in reverse order, so the first picture appear older.
Source: www.utro.ru
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