Dutch Santa Claus is accompanied by a black-boy

In the Netherlands and Flanders (historical region in Western Europe) are common stories about the special, the Dutch Santa Claus. He is dressed in traditional red coat, a white beard, and even humorous character is thoroughly positive character believed that it was he who became the prototype of the modern American Santa Claus. Unlike the Dutch Santa from the US it is that it comes in November on a steamboat from Spain, followed by parades in cities, congratulating the Dutch children. The assistants have Sinterklasa not have any gnomes or elves, instead, there is a little black boy - Black Peter, who is "at hand" gifts. Different interpretations of the Black Peter is a servant or slave of Dutch Santa Claus, and sometimes even a demon. In recent years, resulting in an exacerbation of political correctness, a black slave boy replaced the boy chimney sweep, naturally fair-skinned.
Gifts Dutch kids get the fifth of December in the pre-hung on the mantel shoes. Often they leave them a carrot for Santaklausovskogo horse on which he is believed to move. Sinterklas itself does not climb on the chimney to leave gifts, and sent in his place boy chimney sweep (Black Peter), who puts in a good children footwear gifts and bad - bags of salt. In the more ancient interpretations he can, as usual, to kidnap bad children and takes them to Spain.
Source: www.mindhobby.com
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