Unholy Santa Claus on SantaCon 2014

The largest SantaCon held in New York, causing indignation among the locals because, in their opinion, the event has turned into one big booze

SantaCon - event, which is also known under the dugimi names such as: Santarchy, Santa Rampage, Red Menace and Santapalooza, held annually in many cities around the world on Christmas Eve. It is attended by thousands of people dressed in costumes of Santa Claus, elves and other Christmas characters. However, this year Americans have spoken out against the event. By utverzhedeniyu many, the event, which was originally a joyful happenings, become a drunk event during which more and more often there are fights and riots.

The idea of SantaCon was born in 1994 in San Francisco, and her inspiration was the work of the Danish theater group Solvognen. Twenty years ago, dozens of actors dressed as Santa Claus gathered in Copenhagen and went to one of the local shops. They took it off the shelves different goods and distributed them to customers as gifts, of course, without the prior consent of the management of the store. Later, the police arrested all the members of this group

The event at the store in Copenhagen was supposed to be a one-time action, but the people who inspired a group Solvognen, began to take to the streets of cities around the world dressed as Santa Claus.

This year, SantaCon in New York on December 13. It was attended by about 30 thousand people. It was first organized in 1998, one of the residents of San Francisco gathered a group of 200 people who went to sing in a Santa costume on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

Currently, the most popular version of the event is to visit a large number of participants in the pubs or the consumption of alcohol in public places. Every year during SantaCon on the streets there are more drunks participants who are rude and defiant, and some do not stand and fall directly on the pavement unconscious.

There were proposals to ban the event. "The government can not prohibit SantaCon. But it may impose restrictions on the rules of his conduct "- said lawyer Norman Siegel.

Organizers of the event are protected, explaining that during the event, they collect money for charity. Last year they managed to collect 60 thousand dollars, thanks to the cooperation with the owners of the bars involved in the action.

This year, the day of the march coincided with SantaCon Americans protest against police brutality. Organizers of the event said that the concern with respect to their demonstration.

SantaCon organizers emphasize that seek to ensure that the event is not much hurt New Yorkers. Every year it is carried out in different areas of the city so as not to abuse the hospitality of the inhabitants of the same districts.

Participants SantaCon 2014 riding the subway on a fun event.
Participants SantaCon 2014 having fun on the background of the Empire State Building.
SantaCon 2014 held in 44 countries. In the photo: an event in London, which this year took place on December 6.
Santa's unholy in London.
SantaCon 2014 in central London.
The crowd dressed in Santa outfits in London.
Passengers on the London Underground is clearly amused by the number of "Sant».
"Santa" barely together in the car in the underground of London.
London SantaCon 2014.
This girl in a charming dress "a la Santa" ... have a lot of fun.