In the 1970s, with actor Anthony Hopkins was two amazing matches

British actor Anthony Hopkins happily agreed to play a major role in a film based on the book "The Girl from Petrovka» (The Girl From Petrovka) George Feifer. A few days after signing the contract Hopkins traveled to London to buy a copy of this book. He went a few bookstores, but you need to book it and have not found. If you are going to go home on the subway, he found a book forgotten somebody on the bench. It was "The Girl from Petrovka"! In itself, this story is amazing, but in this incredible coincidences do not end there. Two years later, while filming in Vienna, Hopkins went to George Feifer, the author. Feifer complained that he himself had no copies of her own book. He had a single instance, but, unfortunately, lent this copy writer scattered his friend, who lost the book somewhere in London. Hopkins showed Feifer found the book and said, "Is not that yours?". It was a really Feifer the book, with all the notes in the margins of the writer.
Source: www.infoniac.ru
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