10 interesting student traditions from different countries

Polish archaeologists have unearthed 13 lecture halls, left over from the oldest university in the world - of Alexandria, who worked in the V-VIIvekah. Obviously, from the same time there are also student traditions.
1. Many Western universities have a tradition of "primeval scream" (eng. «The Primal Scream»). "Primal Scream" lasts from five to ten minutes: everyone yells someone in that much. It is believed that it relieves stress session.
2. The tradition of the Portuguese city of Coimbra University has become a local legend. This - the ceremony of "burning belts": the students burned in special pots wide ribbons, painted in the colors of the faculty, which symbolizes the end of their college life.
3. at Wroclaw University (Poland), graduates have a tradition of "dressing" in stupid clothes fencer statue placed in front of the University, the night before the diploma.
4. Russian students have a tradition of calling a freebie before the exam. It should be at 12 o'clock the night before an exam to open the window, open the window and zachetku roar "freebie come." then close the window, put the sugar in the record book, tie it rezinochkoy and put in the freezer.
5. If the exam to be so very difficult, you can try to jump out on the street in his underwear shouting "Ball!».
6. At Yale, all organized race naked.
7. If you lent summary of the older courses have to pay for it. The debtor must "work out" a few hours the carrier at his rescuer. Wretch painted green paint "black eyes" under the eyes - that was like the lights. If the two debtors, they can "roll" their savior alone on a stretcher.
8. at Princeton University (USA), students take written examinations in the absence of teachers in the classroom. It's all about "Code of Integrity" - a solemn oath, which give first-year students. According to this student, as a decent man is obliged not to write off.
9. The Georgetown University (USA), students spun arrows clock tower Healy Hall and send parcels to the Vatican. Despite the strengthening of security and administration pleas, the arrow is still missing from the clock every 5-6 years.
10. Once a student at Oxford University during the exam the teacher demanded beer, citing the ancient tradition of the university. Since the XVIII century, the university is a tradition really existed, the student filed the required mug. However, the examiner was not in debt, he thought of another long-standing tradition of Oxford and fined a student for what he came for an exam without a sword.
Source: www.radioc.ru
via factroom.ru
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