What unites the inhabitants of the most miserable countries in the world
Despite the fact that the standard of living in Europe is quite high, not all countries in this part of the world live well. Some countries have just embarked on the path of economic development. Unfortunately, these countries have very low wages, low incomes and a general standard of living. In this article we will tell you about Europe's poorest countries.
How do you rank the poorest countries in Europe in terms of living standards? It is very simple: the size of the GDP of the country for the previous year should be divided by the number of people who live in it. As a result of calculations, economists make such ratings.
We will look at this ranking starting at the end. Five countries that have something to strive for. In addition, the standard of living in these countries is low relative to the standard of living in Europe. However, it is quite high compared to other countries in the world. So everything here is relative.
Unfortunately, as of 2021, Ukraine is considered the poorest state in Europe. However, the country has a good development potential and a chance to quickly emerge from the crisis. In addition, Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe. But GDP per person in the state is $ 9,283 per year.
Ukraine’s economy has also been heavily affected by military action and revolution, which cannot contribute to the country’s development. Economists say that the state has every opportunity to lift the economy and get out of the crisis. It only takes the right action and time to stabilize.
The next country on our list is Moldova. The state borders Ukraine and is found in the southeastern part of Europe. By the way, this country is officially called the Republic of Moldova. The economic development of Moldova is not very rapid. GDP per capita in the state is 5,700 dollars, which is a very low figure.
The standard of living depends mainly on the agricultural sector and the export of agricultural products. There are not many energy resources in Moldova – they have to be purchased from other countries. In addition, the country does not develop mining and other activities. At the moment, the country is on the list of the poorest countries, perhaps in the near future the situation will change, which depends on the government.
Kosovo is the third poorest country on the list. This independent country is only partially recognized by other European states. The official languages are Serbian and Albanian, and the capital of the state is Pristina.
Today, GDP per capita is about $3,661. However, Kosovo still has a significant unemployment rate. Young people have to go abroad to work. In addition, inflation in the state remains at a very high level.
Albania is another poor country in Europe. GDP in the state is 12484 dollars, of which 60% is the service sector and another 19 is industry. The economy of Albania is mainly based on agriculture. Also, the reason for the low economy in the country was isolation, which for a period of time excluded the relationship with the world.
Albania has many minerals, and with significant investment, it can quickly overtake other countries. In addition, it is necessary to invest in this state from abroad, as well as develop the tourism sector, which Albania has been actively engaged in recently.
Fifth place is occupied by Bosnia and Herzegovina - part of the former Yugoslav Republic. GDP in this state is approximately $ 9800 per year. Other European countries are helping to rebuild the country’s economy, but it is still at a very low level.
The main focus of the country is on agriculture, wood exports and electricity supply. In addition, this republic lags behind other countries due to numerous wars, after which it was necessary to recover more than once.
Experts say that in 2021, the economies of these countries will be able to rise to a higher level. Every country has its own history, its ups and downs, its best and worst times. The citizens of these countries need to be patient and willing to change things for the better. By the way, have you ever been to these countries? Tell me about your impressions.

How do you rank the poorest countries in Europe in terms of living standards? It is very simple: the size of the GDP of the country for the previous year should be divided by the number of people who live in it. As a result of calculations, economists make such ratings.

We will look at this ranking starting at the end. Five countries that have something to strive for. In addition, the standard of living in these countries is low relative to the standard of living in Europe. However, it is quite high compared to other countries in the world. So everything here is relative.
Unfortunately, as of 2021, Ukraine is considered the poorest state in Europe. However, the country has a good development potential and a chance to quickly emerge from the crisis. In addition, Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe. But GDP per person in the state is $ 9,283 per year.

Ukraine’s economy has also been heavily affected by military action and revolution, which cannot contribute to the country’s development. Economists say that the state has every opportunity to lift the economy and get out of the crisis. It only takes the right action and time to stabilize.
The next country on our list is Moldova. The state borders Ukraine and is found in the southeastern part of Europe. By the way, this country is officially called the Republic of Moldova. The economic development of Moldova is not very rapid. GDP per capita in the state is 5,700 dollars, which is a very low figure.

The standard of living depends mainly on the agricultural sector and the export of agricultural products. There are not many energy resources in Moldova – they have to be purchased from other countries. In addition, the country does not develop mining and other activities. At the moment, the country is on the list of the poorest countries, perhaps in the near future the situation will change, which depends on the government.
Kosovo is the third poorest country on the list. This independent country is only partially recognized by other European states. The official languages are Serbian and Albanian, and the capital of the state is Pristina.

Today, GDP per capita is about $3,661. However, Kosovo still has a significant unemployment rate. Young people have to go abroad to work. In addition, inflation in the state remains at a very high level.
Albania is another poor country in Europe. GDP in the state is 12484 dollars, of which 60% is the service sector and another 19 is industry. The economy of Albania is mainly based on agriculture. Also, the reason for the low economy in the country was isolation, which for a period of time excluded the relationship with the world.

Albania has many minerals, and with significant investment, it can quickly overtake other countries. In addition, it is necessary to invest in this state from abroad, as well as develop the tourism sector, which Albania has been actively engaged in recently.
Fifth place is occupied by Bosnia and Herzegovina - part of the former Yugoslav Republic. GDP in this state is approximately $ 9800 per year. Other European countries are helping to rebuild the country’s economy, but it is still at a very low level.

The main focus of the country is on agriculture, wood exports and electricity supply. In addition, this republic lags behind other countries due to numerous wars, after which it was necessary to recover more than once.
Experts say that in 2021, the economies of these countries will be able to rise to a higher level. Every country has its own history, its ups and downs, its best and worst times. The citizens of these countries need to be patient and willing to change things for the better. By the way, have you ever been to these countries? Tell me about your impressions.
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