Anthony Hopkins
What a good and multileveledness this actor! Even during the life of 74-year-old Anthony Hopkins immortalized his name in the film, playing himself in the film for the iconic "Silence of the Lambs" and "Hannibal" Dr. Lecter. Of course, in his filmography there are still many outstanding roles, but that these two pictures left a huge mark on his career. Due to the role of Hannibal Lecter Hopkins was invited to act in the best contemporary cinema, and so his schedule is painted in the next few years. Now the winner of the "Oscar", despite his age, still shooting with a vengeance and the main upcoming film starring Anthony, who are waiting for all the fans of the world, will be the "Hitchcock." This tape will be in 2013 and in addition to Anthony as Alfred Hitchcock, we see Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh and Jessica Biel in the image of Vera Miles. In the meantime, the new film from the cult role of Hopkins is on the post-production, I suggest to get acquainted with the "rules of life" master of cinema. Honestly him to hear such statements I by no means expected ...
Most of us develop late. In school, I was an idiot. Uncommunicative type - other children I was not interested. Now it is called dyslexia or impaired attention. And I was just stupid. But that's why, and became an actor.
Russia attracted me since childhood. At fourteen, I read "The History of the Russian Revolution," Trotsky. Of course, when the teacher asked me a communist or Marxist, I do not very well understand what they say. A child on such details did not care at all: just call me "idiot».
My philosophy of life? You should always be aware of what is capable of only one self-contempt. No matter what I did as a young man, everyone said, "You're hopeless." The father said, "hopeless", peers say, "hopeless". So then everything that happened to me in my life, was my big revelation.
Now I do not care about the theater with a high steeple. Honestly, I do not understand why some refer to him so tenderly. What the hell, we all this theater of four hundred years ago? Who needs it? Roll up the asphalt it. Just think, a disaster! Anyway this carrion. How Lear better or so-so, - who cares? You do what you have done to fifteen thousand actors.
All the actors in their craziest years, want to play Hamlet. I also wanted. And now I think it's like that with a finish. Now I am absolutely not interested in Shakespeare and the whole British nonsense. And when interested, it was one naked ambition - just wanted glory.
Most of the actors - a rather simple-minded people, who consider themselves sophisticated nature. I remember when I heard about Robert De Niro in "Raging Bull" and thought, "should definitely see this movie." I went to his small New York kinoteatrik smelling urine; someone there is cast a few people slept. It was something like a moment of truth: and so, therefore, for the sake of which all our efforts?
Hannibal Lecter is actually quite an interesting figure. I think we secretly admire them. He embodies the unspeakable part of ourselves, desires, fantasies, and the dark side of our souls, and we can be really healthy only if we recognize their existence. Perhaps we want to be as daredevils as he.
If someone has an easy-going and has a strong personality and energy that is threatening many people who do not want extra excitement. Think about those who undermine the foundations. Those who Screwtape water. About people like Oliver Stone, who are really doing something, they provoke people, power to talk. The average person wants to be surrounded by reliable people. And that's fine, I think. But if it were so, the world would be boring.
I have no favorite roles. I'm just working. Teach their roles, I know what I say, and if you dare to something, do it properly. I come, do my thing and go home. Then I get a check - that's the whole story. People say that this is cynical, but they are wrong. It is practical.
There is nothing more annoying than a virtue and a moral. I'm not saying that he did not fake. This is a fake, like everyone else. We are all fakes. All charlatans all spoiled all liars.
I like my solitude. I've never let anyone close, all but feint shirked. Of course, I represent the warmth and friendliness. But inside I was always empty. No compassion, only carelessness - and so all his life.
There was a time when I drank everything flows. Now something really nobody drinks, does not smoke and do not eat carbs. Oddly enough, I'm glad I was an alcoholic. Of course, I wish that this suffering of others. But go in the shoes of an alcoholic - it's amazing wealth of experience. There were days when I drank a bottle of tequila and I did not care to live or die. This time I was done for, devastated - a complete bust in the emotional sense. I loved tequila.
A good script is always visible on the first five pages. Do you hear such things instinctively. If I can not read more than four pages, I already clear: it's not for me. I was most alarming scenario where every now and then describes in detail the scenery. "Sunrise over the desert, piled on the horizon ..." - An essay read it until you get to the dialog. Nonsense.
My father was a baker, and the culture he was in the army *. Sometimes, I play the piano, and he goes, flour shaking off the dust from their hairy arms and says: "What kind of nonsense are you playing?" I say: "Beethoven." But the father: "It is not surprising that he was deaf. For God's sake, come out and go do something. " Now I understand in many respects his cynicism.
Like Spielberg. He takes such films, which he himself would like to see. He is no match for the smart guy-vypendrezhnikam who make films for their friends, and then no one wants to look not. At the site, Spielberg is always full of passion and enthusiasm, and is very fast. He does not like to fool around, wasting time.
I always wanted to succeed. I wanted to meet with Katherine Hepburn and Albert Finney. And especially with Peter O'Toole. I admired O'Toole. I remember the first time we went with him to the bar. He said: "Take the" Guinness ". How are you, dear? Okay, let's have a drink and go for our "Oscar". I admire this kind of madness, drunken delight and slackers. And I had once been. A few years ago I saw again O'Toole, and he said: "They say you have a halo around his head - not that we sinners." When you throw a drink, you lose some of the friends.
At first, I was physically dangerous on stage. When I played in Manchester, director fired me because I almost broke someone range. He said that I was too dangerous to let the scene. But in the end I was lucky, because he told me to go to one of those "trendy drama schools," which he did not approve. And I went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where I started my real career.
Life - a choreography. Do not ask, do not wait and take all calm. I reasoned: "What do people say about me or think, does not concern me. I is what it is, and I do what I do, just for fun - that's how the game works. A wonderful game of life on its own field. There is nothing to win and nothing to lose, there is no need to prove anything. Do not turn inside out - what for? Because I'm inherently one and has always been a nobody. " It came to me ten years ago during a deep depression when I was sitting in a hotel in Rome. I repeat it to myself like a mantra. And since then, my life has seen many amazing events.
People who accuse you of corruption, really just jealous. Just recently, one of my close friend, met in London with the casting agent of the National Theatre, and the woman asked him terribly condescending view: "Well there, Tony?" He replied: "Very pleased with it in Hollywood." "Sorry, sold out," - she said. "Yes, - said my friend. - And great rich and famous. " She just turned green.
Once I asked a Jesuit priest to read the best of all known him a short prayer. His answer made me laugh. He said: "X * p with him».
(In the photo in the image of Anthony Alfred Hitchcock)
Most of us develop late. In school, I was an idiot. Uncommunicative type - other children I was not interested. Now it is called dyslexia or impaired attention. And I was just stupid. But that's why, and became an actor.

Russia attracted me since childhood. At fourteen, I read "The History of the Russian Revolution," Trotsky. Of course, when the teacher asked me a communist or Marxist, I do not very well understand what they say. A child on such details did not care at all: just call me "idiot».
My philosophy of life? You should always be aware of what is capable of only one self-contempt. No matter what I did as a young man, everyone said, "You're hopeless." The father said, "hopeless", peers say, "hopeless". So then everything that happened to me in my life, was my big revelation.

Now I do not care about the theater with a high steeple. Honestly, I do not understand why some refer to him so tenderly. What the hell, we all this theater of four hundred years ago? Who needs it? Roll up the asphalt it. Just think, a disaster! Anyway this carrion. How Lear better or so-so, - who cares? You do what you have done to fifteen thousand actors.
All the actors in their craziest years, want to play Hamlet. I also wanted. And now I think it's like that with a finish. Now I am absolutely not interested in Shakespeare and the whole British nonsense. And when interested, it was one naked ambition - just wanted glory.

Most of the actors - a rather simple-minded people, who consider themselves sophisticated nature. I remember when I heard about Robert De Niro in "Raging Bull" and thought, "should definitely see this movie." I went to his small New York kinoteatrik smelling urine; someone there is cast a few people slept. It was something like a moment of truth: and so, therefore, for the sake of which all our efforts?
Hannibal Lecter is actually quite an interesting figure. I think we secretly admire them. He embodies the unspeakable part of ourselves, desires, fantasies, and the dark side of our souls, and we can be really healthy only if we recognize their existence. Perhaps we want to be as daredevils as he.

If someone has an easy-going and has a strong personality and energy that is threatening many people who do not want extra excitement. Think about those who undermine the foundations. Those who Screwtape water. About people like Oliver Stone, who are really doing something, they provoke people, power to talk. The average person wants to be surrounded by reliable people. And that's fine, I think. But if it were so, the world would be boring.
I have no favorite roles. I'm just working. Teach their roles, I know what I say, and if you dare to something, do it properly. I come, do my thing and go home. Then I get a check - that's the whole story. People say that this is cynical, but they are wrong. It is practical.

There is nothing more annoying than a virtue and a moral. I'm not saying that he did not fake. This is a fake, like everyone else. We are all fakes. All charlatans all spoiled all liars.
I like my solitude. I've never let anyone close, all but feint shirked. Of course, I represent the warmth and friendliness. But inside I was always empty. No compassion, only carelessness - and so all his life.
There was a time when I drank everything flows. Now something really nobody drinks, does not smoke and do not eat carbs. Oddly enough, I'm glad I was an alcoholic. Of course, I wish that this suffering of others. But go in the shoes of an alcoholic - it's amazing wealth of experience. There were days when I drank a bottle of tequila and I did not care to live or die. This time I was done for, devastated - a complete bust in the emotional sense. I loved tequila.

A good script is always visible on the first five pages. Do you hear such things instinctively. If I can not read more than four pages, I already clear: it's not for me. I was most alarming scenario where every now and then describes in detail the scenery. "Sunrise over the desert, piled on the horizon ..." - An essay read it until you get to the dialog. Nonsense.
My father was a baker, and the culture he was in the army *. Sometimes, I play the piano, and he goes, flour shaking off the dust from their hairy arms and says: "What kind of nonsense are you playing?" I say: "Beethoven." But the father: "It is not surprising that he was deaf. For God's sake, come out and go do something. " Now I understand in many respects his cynicism.
Like Spielberg. He takes such films, which he himself would like to see. He is no match for the smart guy-vypendrezhnikam who make films for their friends, and then no one wants to look not. At the site, Spielberg is always full of passion and enthusiasm, and is very fast. He does not like to fool around, wasting time.

I always wanted to succeed. I wanted to meet with Katherine Hepburn and Albert Finney. And especially with Peter O'Toole. I admired O'Toole. I remember the first time we went with him to the bar. He said: "Take the" Guinness ". How are you, dear? Okay, let's have a drink and go for our "Oscar". I admire this kind of madness, drunken delight and slackers. And I had once been. A few years ago I saw again O'Toole, and he said: "They say you have a halo around his head - not that we sinners." When you throw a drink, you lose some of the friends.
At first, I was physically dangerous on stage. When I played in Manchester, director fired me because I almost broke someone range. He said that I was too dangerous to let the scene. But in the end I was lucky, because he told me to go to one of those "trendy drama schools," which he did not approve. And I went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where I started my real career.

Life - a choreography. Do not ask, do not wait and take all calm. I reasoned: "What do people say about me or think, does not concern me. I is what it is, and I do what I do, just for fun - that's how the game works. A wonderful game of life on its own field. There is nothing to win and nothing to lose, there is no need to prove anything. Do not turn inside out - what for? Because I'm inherently one and has always been a nobody. " It came to me ten years ago during a deep depression when I was sitting in a hotel in Rome. I repeat it to myself like a mantra. And since then, my life has seen many amazing events.
People who accuse you of corruption, really just jealous. Just recently, one of my close friend, met in London with the casting agent of the National Theatre, and the woman asked him terribly condescending view: "Well there, Tony?" He replied: "Very pleased with it in Hollywood." "Sorry, sold out," - she said. "Yes, - said my friend. - And great rich and famous. " She just turned green.

Once I asked a Jesuit priest to read the best of all known him a short prayer. His answer made me laugh. He said: "X * p with him».
(In the photo in the image of Anthony Alfred Hitchcock)