The stars in the role of stars
In paparazzi-chronicles I wrote about that now Nicole Kidman is removed in an autobiographical film about Grace Kelly. Let's see who else from Hollywood celebrities play movie stars of the past years in the upcoming premieres
Scarlett Johansson has played muse Alfred Hitchcock, Janet Leigh (which master old school horror terrorized in the movie "Psycho") in the drama "Hitchcock". This adaptation of the book by Stephen Rebello of Hitchcock at the zenith of his fame will be released in the world rolled November 1
Hitchcock himself played me favorite Anthony Hopkins
Hopkins makeup Hitchcock
Another Hollywood beauty Jessica Biel will play another favorite of Hitchcock, Vera Miles
Hayter Lindsay Lohan looking forward to the premiere of the film "Liz and Dick" to boo LiLo as Elizabeth Taylor
In 2013, released biopic about Jimmy Hendrix All Is by My Side, in which the role of the legendary musician will perform Andre Benjamin, the rapper from the group Outcast
In another film about Hitchcock (relevant it lately, do not say anything!), "Girl" Sienna Miller plays the role of Tippi Hedren, Hitchcock's protégé, who played in "The Birds»
Hitchcock in this drama play Toby Jones. Although he is not very similar to the prototype, I think he will cope
Jacqueline Kennedy once starred in many movies, however, the documentary, but the star of his time it can be called. In the movie "Butler", which will be released next year, it will play Minka Kelly
Michael Douglas will show his musical talent in Steven Sodegberga "Behind the Candelabra", where he played an eccentric pianist and showman Liberace
Liberace lover, actor and party-goers Scott Thorson play Matt Damon. By the way, the script "Behind the Candelabra" is based on the eponymous book Thorson
Scarlett Johansson has played muse Alfred Hitchcock, Janet Leigh (which master old school horror terrorized in the movie "Psycho") in the drama "Hitchcock". This adaptation of the book by Stephen Rebello of Hitchcock at the zenith of his fame will be released in the world rolled November 1

Hitchcock himself played me favorite Anthony Hopkins
Hopkins makeup Hitchcock

Another Hollywood beauty Jessica Biel will play another favorite of Hitchcock, Vera Miles

Hayter Lindsay Lohan looking forward to the premiere of the film "Liz and Dick" to boo LiLo as Elizabeth Taylor

In 2013, released biopic about Jimmy Hendrix All Is by My Side, in which the role of the legendary musician will perform Andre Benjamin, the rapper from the group Outcast

In another film about Hitchcock (relevant it lately, do not say anything!), "Girl" Sienna Miller plays the role of Tippi Hedren, Hitchcock's protégé, who played in "The Birds»

Hitchcock in this drama play Toby Jones. Although he is not very similar to the prototype, I think he will cope

Jacqueline Kennedy once starred in many movies, however, the documentary, but the star of his time it can be called. In the movie "Butler", which will be released next year, it will play Minka Kelly

Michael Douglas will show his musical talent in Steven Sodegberga "Behind the Candelabra", where he played an eccentric pianist and showman Liberace

Liberace lover, actor and party-goers Scott Thorson play Matt Damon. By the way, the script "Behind the Candelabra" is based on the eponymous book Thorson