Russian scientists have created an innovative body armor

A group of scientists MSTU. Bauman headed by Associate Professor, Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Polushina developed a bullet-proof vest "Cora Phoenix", which promises to set new standards for the industry quality. Zapregradnoe offset (offset layers of the vest in the direction of the projectile wounding) the new model is 5 mm, while the foreign counterparts, this value is 20 mm.
As is known, the main characteristics of the vest are convenience, appearance, ergonomics and protective qualities. Inside the original suspension armor elements placed himself armor elements of the two-layer material. The first and the top layer - a heavy-duty front damping layer of thread amended (LDS). The thread at the impact of a bullet in a predetermined range of velocities and pressures must not break at all. The second layer- the so-called basic package. The first layer is not penetrated, and for the second strength is not important.
In the world there are only four fundamentally different threads belonging to a protective polymeric fibers - or aramid fibers, aromatic polyamides. All of them have a strong anisotropy of strength properties. When a bullet strikes the string, start the tension on the wave mechanism. The speed of wave propagation here - 10 km / sec, it is almost equal to the escape velocity.
The bullet-proof vest "Cora Phoenix" created a fundamentally new environment that nobody had ever worked. This dispersion medium, the particulate material is a fiber structure the different levels. If the conventional structures under impact of a bullet, as expected, lost strength and the destruction comes a thread, the structures of the "bark-Phoenix" at any speed - though in some of its range - the thread is not destroyed.
However, even with such innovative body armor to talk about the full operational capability of a soldier in the ballistic environment is early. Now scientists aim to obtain the absolute impact of plastic bullets in which all the energy will go to plastic deformation. With those materials that are at his disposal to achieve this difficult, almost impossible: the materials needed to jump in the intensity of energy absorption. Now support protective systems is on the body, and therefore traumatic effect is not going away.
Source: www.kommersant.ru
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