It developed the first Russian locomotive with hybrid drive

Late last year, a presentation of the prototype of the first Russian locomotive with hybrid drive «SinaraHybrid». Skolkovo Foundation gave the investor the development of this innovative company "Center of Innovative Development STM».
The implementation of new technical solutions in the locomotive «SinaraHybrid», according to the developers of "Center of Innovative Development STM" will achieve its targets for energy efficiency and environmental friendliness: reduced fuel consumption and 30% reduction in exhaust emissions to the atmosphere to 55%. Potential demand from the JSC "Russian Railways", estimated by industry experts is about 120 locomotives until 2015.
Recall that in April 2011, the technical concept of the locomotive was presented to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and in October of this year, a senior vice-president of JSC "Russian Railways" VA Gapanovich agreed terms of reference for a hybrid locomotive.
Lokomotiv has in its structure more than 20 advanced technical solutions, including innovative microprocessor control and diagnostic system (function prediction profile path using technologies GLONASS), which will allow the locomotive to calculate the energy resources in the process of movement. Mining Algorithms for microprocessor locomotive control system developed by engineers of "the Center of Innovative Development STM».
The locomotive will be asynchronous traction drive with vector control torque on the motor shaft, wheel-motor units are made with the motor-axial rolling bearings Timken. The cab of the locomotive, designed by industrial designers, will meet the high standards of visibility, ergonomics and functionality to provide a comfortable working environment Locomotive. Controls the engine located on the remote driver, designed to meet the physiological and psychological characteristics of the locomotive crew working in export-shunting movement.
Also in the design of the locomotive used innovative high-wheeled tires production Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, which only just entering the market. Pipelines locomotive air systems made of stainless steel Fittings without welding, ensuring high reliability of the braking equipment and its maintainability. Compressed air system will ensure highly efficient screw compressors with lower rates of noise and vibration.
Work on the locomotive is carried out with the participation of leading Russian scientific and industrial companies, including NGO "SOUTH", NGO "Drive Technology", LLC "Ural Locomotives" and NGO "Automation." The work on the development of the locomotive involves scientists from foreign countries.
In 2012, the Center for Innovative Development STM is planning to work on pre-certification tests and hybrid locomotive together with leading industry institutions of "VNIKTI" and JSC "VNIIZhT" to continue to receive the certificate of conformity.
Source: skolkovo-ru.livejournal.com
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