61% of people feel Internet addiction
Approximately 61 percent of people feel dependent on the Internet. In the new survey network users admitted that they are not able to give up its presence on the World Wide Web.
In a sociological survey, which was conducted resource SodaHead, attended by more than six visitors. The results showed that most of them experience Internet addiction. It was found that many people self-diagnose it at.
Women have a tendency to addiction often than men: 64 per cent of the fair sex have indicated that a notice these symptoms, compared with 55 percent of men admit it.
Among the respondents, teenagers from 13 to 17 consider themselves subservient to the charms of the World Wide Web 73 percent. The older the respondents, the less dependent they are on the Internet.
It is noteworthy that, according to a survey of Internet users, who spend the most time online, Internet addiction is much less. Most of the time on the internet, as it turned out, people spend between 45 and 54 years - on average, they are nearly 40 hours online each week. Teens who are most dependent, spend the minimum amount of time on the Internet, saying only 22, 3 hours per week.
via factroom.ru