"The Lion King" contains many borrowings from the Japanese anime of 1965
In 1965, in a broadcast on Japanese television appeared "Jungle Emperor» (Janguru Taitei), Japan's first color cartoon series by Osamu Tezuka director. In this series the white lion named Panja animals takes away from the people in Africa are simply too much. But Panja hunter becomes a victim. His wife, Elisa gets to the circus and captive born is born white lion Leo - son Panja. Leo managed to escape from captivity and return to Africa. There he tries to make peace between animals and humans.
In 1966, based on the series was created by a full-length cartoon. He was released in rent in the United States under the name "Kimba - the white lion» (Kimba the White Lion) and enjoyed great popularity. And in 1994, on the screens of America came the famous "Lion King».
To name a magnificent Disney cartoon plagiarism is impossible - too different subjects. But many of the scenes and characters were borrowed from the creators of "The King" because of "Kimba". More than a thousand artists and fans of the anime Disney wrote a petition to recognize the fact of borrowing. But the official response multkontserna Disney says that the creators of the cartoon know know no Kimbo.
Meanwhile, the US version of "Jungle Emperor" White Lion Leo originally wanted to call it Simba (the word "Simba" means "lion" in the popular African language Kiswahili, the Japanese name of the protagonist is also a lion, but in European languages). But it turned out that the "Simba" is a registered trademark of some of the goods in the name of the hero of the cartoon had to replace one letter. And to a DVD-edition of "The Lion King" was placed a large collection of sketches, some of whom are white sketch of a lion cub. So the fact that Disney animators did not know anything about the Japanese white lion, hard to believe.
See video, which carried out a comparative analysis of visual Kimba and Simba.
via factroom.ru