In order to establish the scale of pain, the researchers burned people

In 1940, a group of doctors from Cornell University has decided to create a device for measuring the intensity of the pain. Using as a unit, "dollars", doctors have developed a quantitative scale of 21 points, and that's how they did it, it was later the subject of scientific debate.

Researchers hurt the subjects of the experiment, by exposure to heat on the forehead for three seconds. The first study involved only 4 persons, but each member 100 has passed through the experiments with the infliction of pain, while the pain intensity increased gradually with increase in temperature in each experiment. The group has a noble goal - to create an objective scale of measurement of human pain. They have created a unit of measurement - dollars from the Latin word dolor, meaning pain.

James D. Hardy and his colleagues perfected the scale of up to 21 series of intervals in which one fraction was divided into two "have reason to significant changes in the sensation of pain." Browse thousands of measurements, they created a scale from 0 to 10, 5 Dolov. At 8 dolah device left on the forehead of the participant second-degree burn.
